The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

Radiation is another high source of our cancers. Harmful radiation is
found in dental offices and hospitals (with use of x-rays, nuclear medicine,
and other processes), around high power wires, TV sets, microwave ovens,
cathode-ray computer monitors and most medical diagnostic equipment—
including Cat Scans, MRIs, mam-mogram and x-ray equipment.

Cancer has now reached epidemic proportions, estimated to be in every
other person in the U.S.. According to Kathleen Deoul in her book Cancer
Cover-Up {Genocide}: “One American dies of cancer every minute—the
equivalent of crashing three fully loaded 747s every day! But it doesn’t have
to happen.”

We live in a world of excitotoxins, also called “neurotoxins,” which are
affecting our relationship with the outside world and with ourselves. We have
literally surrounded ourselves with cancer-causing agents—we live in them
and around them, we drink, eat and inject them, and we are constantly putting
them on our skin. Our houses are full of formaldehyde and other potentially
toxic and carcinogenic substances released from carpets, Formica-type
(laminate) cabinets, plywood, glue, curtains, synthetic garments, etc. Your
clothes can be full of toxins, especially if they are dry cleaned.
Perchloroethylene or “perc” —the chemical used in dry cleaning—is
extremely toxic. Spills at dry cleaners can necessitate the removal of the
building and the dirt beneath it.

Plastics are another server of toxins and potential carcinogens. Vinyls
(phthalates) are found in PVC pipes, toys, baby teething objects, baby bottles
and building materials. Never buy distilled water in plastic containers. As
distilled water is void of substances, it therefore creates diffusion, pulling
other substances (like minerals and chemicals) into it.

Even if we stopped using all chemicals today, it would still be too late.
The human species remains steeped in ignorance as it continues to destroy its
own home. No other species does this. Big industry and automobiles are
some of the worst polluting offenders. Many factories that pour millions of
toxic particles daily into the air do not want to use pollution control devices
because of the expense. Although a lot of good research is going on by many
honest individuals, this information seems to get suppressed or buried by a
monetary-based society. But life has no price tag. Everyone must pitch in and
help clean up this world of ours.

Become as free of toxic chemicals as possible.
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