The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

cells so that future generations can live. Remember, nature never procreates
the weak. The weak are always consumed—this keeps nature healthy for all
species and the same can be said of each cell in your body.

Let’s look now at the two other primary causes of all disease, and the
reasons that tissues fail in the first place: toxicity and overacidity (acidosis).
Both create obstructions within your body.


Toxicity (which means poison) is a broad-range term that includes many
things, from mucus accumulation from dairy foods, irritants and complex
sugars, to chemical, toxic metal and mineral deposits. This toxicity (which is
mostly acidic, and accumulates in the body) comes from foods, air, body-
hygiene products, household products, building materials ... the list goes on
and on. Today, most of the foods people eat and the liquids they drink are
acidic, mucus-forming, energy-robbing and protein-toxic. The refined
starches we eat act like glue in the tissues of our body, causing plaque to
build up, as we discussed earlier. This toxicity, being acidic, can inflame and
congest tissue to the point of causing tissue death.

This toxicity and mucus is stored in all tissues, but noticed more in your
sinuses, throat, thyroid, lungs, muscles, liver, kidneys and skin. This is why
all these areas are affected when you have cold and flu-like symptoms. The
body tries to “purge” itself of these toxins, or as many of them as it can,
through natural processes called “disease.” Many “diseases” are nothing more
than elimination efforts by the body to purge itself of toxins, and/or dying or
dead cells.

As previously stated, toxicity builds up intra-cellularly and interstitially
(around cells) in the vascular system, in the organs and glands, in the bowels,
and in the cavities of our body. Combine this toxicity with an over-acid diet
and you get inflammation, ulceration, tumors and eventually cellular death
(degeneration). These toxins and mucus create obstruction, blocking blood
and lymph flow to and from cells. This greatly reduces a cell’s ability to
function and stay healthy.

Colds, flu, lymphatic conditions, lung conditions, gastrointestinal
problems, infections, to name a few of many conditions, are all symptoms of
this accumulation of toxicity in the body. Your immune system and/or

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