The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

ailing friend or loved one into a detox program. They make the juices for
them, they prepare their food for them and they prepare their herbal
supplements for them. Nine times out of ten, this breeds failure. The sick
person’s heart and true desire to be well is not there.

You must be a part of your own healing. This is partly why you get sick. If
you want to be well and healthy, you must create this with your own desires
and actions, just as you would anything that you desire to experience or have
in life.

It’s great to have your loved ones on your side in this process, but not to the
point of overshadowing your own desire and goals for yourself. If you want
to be well, it must come from you. Become a shining example to the world of
just how powerful God really is. But first you must show yourself.

The part of the pancreas called the Islets of Langerhans is where the beta
cells are found. As previously stated, these cells produce and release insulin.
When this part of the pancreas becomes hypoactive from inflammation or
congestion, this can cause inadequate amounts of insulin to be produced.

The Islets of Langerhans consist of three types of cells: alpha cells, which
secrete glucagon and raise blood glucose; beta cells, which secrete insulin,
lowering blood glucose levels; and delta cells, which secrete somatostatin.
Somatostatin inhibits the secretion of insulin, glucagon, a growth hormone
from the anterior pituitary, and gastrin from the stomach. As previousfy
stated, in diabetes mellitus it is the beta cells that are affected.

In both types of diabetes, but especially type I, this weakness in the
pancreas is usually passed on genetically. However, through one’s lifestyle,
pancreatic weakness can be created in this life time. This woufd be especially
true of type II or late onset diabetes. It might take several generations for a
weakness from inflammation or toxicity to actually cause diabetes. You
woufd probably experience hypoglycemia or gestational diabetes before this
would manifest as any permanent type of diabetes. Of course there is a broad
range of diabetes, as the degree of pancreatic weakness varies. Remember that
someone had to start this weakness originally. The question remains: “How
did they start it?”

Diabetes is considered another autoimmune problem, where lymphocytes
attack the beta cells and destroy them. In my experience this is a
misunderstanding of the body’s protective mechanisms. Remember, your
immune system is designed to eliminate the weak. It does not attack itself for

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