The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

There are many theories regarding what causes diabetes, from plaqued
cholesterol around the beta cells, to autoimmune problems, to genetics.
Others say it’s from stress and obesity.

Every cell in your body is a genetic cell. Some become weaker than
others depending upon the above. These weaknesses are magnified and
passed on through each new generation. Because of our unawareness of this
fact, the human species is currently facing serious tissue weaknesses,
resulting mainly in chronic and degenerative diseases.

Remember there are only two causes of disease, any disease. Number one
is toxicity and number two is acidosis, in the form of inflammation. These
two causes are the effects of what you eat, drink, breathe, what you put on
your skin, as well as what you think and feel. These are the ways that you
either strengthen your body or weaken it and the cells within it.


I have always put diabetics on a raw fruit and vegetable diet. This type of diet
will clean and rebuild the pancreas and adrenal glands. Food combinations
are also vital to follow (see instructions for food combining in Chapter 7,
Eating for Vitality), as the fermentation and putrefaction of foods adversely
affect the pancreas and blood sugar levels. I also use an herbal detox program
and a pancreatic support formula with the diet (see Chapter 8 for herbs and
herbal formulas that provide this support). In type II diabetes, if you follow a
good detox program and use high quality herbs, you should be off insulin
within three to eight weeks.

I would always advise the assistance of a qualified healthcare practitioner
who can help guide you though this detoxification process. It is vital that you
watch your blood sugar levels. They can drop very fast and you do not want
to give yourself too much insulin when your blood sugars are more
normalized. This could put you into a coma.

Use common sense. Take your time and be smart in what you do. If you
are on insulin, and you’re self-regulating or checking your sugars daily, you
do not have to worry if your sugars temporarily go up. Some fruits may
temporarily raise your blood sugars. If you notice a particular fruit doing this,
just eliminate that fruit until you stabilize your sugars. Remember your goal is

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