The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
grape, apple, pear, fresh-squeezed orange or lemon. I do not recommend
pineapple juice (bottled), cranberry juice or prune juice.


Raw Fruit and Vegetable Juices

The highest nutritional and electrical-energy foods on the planet are fresh raw
fruits, vegetables, herbs, seaweeds, nuts and seeds. These are the foods for
humans. It is essential that you eat at least 80 percent of your diet from fresh,
ripe, raw, fruits and vegetables. These foods carry the power of life in them.
They are full of enzymes, vitamins, minerals (tissue salts), amino acids,
antioxidants, simple sugars, water, electricity and much more. However,
being frugivores, the fruits and nuts are more suited for us. Remember, the
human gastrointestinal tract is only twelve times the length of the spine,
whereas an herbivore’s GI tract is thirty times the length of its spine.
Herbivores also have numerous stomachs because vegetable fibers are much
more difficult to break down than fruit fibers.

Fruit fiber is the easiest fiber for our GI tract to handle, consequently it
keeps our intestinal walls clean. Because the energy from fruits is much
higher than that of vegetables, the power to enhance the nervous system is
higher. This increases bowel peristalsis, as well. Vegetables, on the other
hand, have more minerals, chlorophyll and amino acids, which are great in
building up a depleted body. You’ve probably observed that children will eat
fruits long before they will eat their vegetables.

By now in our society practically everyone has heard of, or tasted,
freshly-made vegetable or fruit juice. This is thanks to Norman W. Walker,
Paul Bragg, Herbert M. Shelten, Bernard Jensen, and “The Juice Man,” a few
of the pioneers and practitioners of juicing for health.

If you are weakened or depleted, especially in the digestive tract, or if
you do not want high fiber but do want nutrition, juicing is the answer.
Juicing takes the fiber out of the food and gives you all the rest in a drinkable
form, thus bringing concentrated power to your body. While you might only
eat one whole carrot, you can drink the juice of five or six carrots. The

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