The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

If you want true bodily vitality and regeneration, avoid unsprouted beans
and grains. If you must eat them, do so in cold climates and never together, as
you don’t want to combine protein and starch at the same meal. This causes
even greater body enervation from fermentation and putrefaction (see Proper
Food Combinations, Module 7.3). Animals in the wild do not consume such
foods. If they did, it would make them sluggish and vulnerable as prey to
other more robust animals.

Health is energy and energy comes from life, not death. As you begin to
eat more “alive” foods you will know firsthand the effects that beans and
grains will have on your energy levels and your agility. We must look
beyond our limited, culturally-determined, nutritional ideas to see the vast
array of foods that nature supplies for us.

The seasons have a great impact upon us, especially in the northern
climates where more drastic weather changes are experienced. In summer,
being acidic, we need mostly alkaline foods. However, in the cold of winter,
which is alkaline, we tend to desire acid-type foods like beans and grains.
This is a natural process. However, these foods should always be kept to a
minimum. Remember, the healthier your glands are, the more the body will
naturally create its own internal heat regulation.

An example of this heat-regulating factor can be seen in the operation of
the thyroid gland. Since the thyroid gland regulates metabolism, your body’s
temperature can be greatly affected if these tissues are weak. Beans and
grains, even though warming in nature, in the long run can make the thyroid
weak. This can then have the opposite effect to warming, instead causing you
to be cold all the time, especially your extremities.


As with every aspect of life, one always needs to question and investigate the
truth behind the propaganda that fills the press concerning issues of nutrition
and health. If you learn the basics of health as set forth in this book you will
be better prepared to recognize fact from fiction. Use the facts and truths
presented here as your template.

Ask yourself and try to investigate who might benefit from whatever
information is being given. The current “soy fad” is one area that definitely

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