The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1


See section 6.9 on “Healthy Bowel Management,” in Chapter 6.


Without color, life would not exist. The energies that make up the millions of
colors create, support and sustain the untold dimensions that exist beyond our
sight. The power of colors to enhance tissue is phenomenal. I developed a
color therapy machine years ago and had great fun experimenting with colors
and their effects upon the body. The sun is the ultimate provider of color
therapy. Full-spectrum rays surround and flow through us, healing and
embracing our cells. All life looks to the “light,” one way or another.

As we have discussed, energy creates, supports, sustains and changes the
universe. This energy manifests from consciousness, and extends out into
creation. As it moves, it gives off colors (light) and music (sounds). These
energies, their colors and music, are both dramatic and subtle. Duality dictates
that colors or energies move between hot (acid) and cold (alkaline), or light
(acid) and dark (alkaline).

Everything that exists has a main energy or energies that support or
sustain it, whether this is a human, animal, plant, planet or universe. An
example of this would be a planet, like Mother Earth, where gemstones play a
major role in channeling these energies that sustain her. There are also lay
lines or electromagnetic energy lines that crisscross the earth. Where they
meet is said to be a place of very high energy—a place where more
spiritually-minded people tend to congregate and live. Sedona, Arizona is an
example of such a place.

Another example of energy centers is found within the bodies of animals
and humans. There are basically seven main energy centers within each of us.
These main energy centers correspond to different aspects or different bodies
that we use. Most people cannot see these types of energies. Those who can
we call psychic; however, anyone can train himself or herself to see these.
Your ability to achieve anything depends upon the degree of your desire for
it. These centers of energy are “seen” as follows:

First Center

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