The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

viruses, 145 – 46 , 196 , 272

in catalyst for immune response, 145

vitamins, 74 – 77

vomiting, 193

what to do for, 193 – 94


Walker, Norman W., 206


contaminants, 127
purified, 132 , 134 , 281 – 82

water systems, 319 – 20

water therapy, 302 – 3 , 320

weight gain. See also obesity

emotional components, 164

white blood cells (WBCs), 23 , 38 – 39 , 326 – 27

white lotus oil, 297

white oak bark, 254

white pond lily, 253 – 54

wild tansy oil, 297

wood betony, 254

worms, 147 – 49

wormwood, 254 – 55


yeast, 145

yellow dock, 255

yucca, 255


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