Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Guarded Gate. Two sahuagin stationed in area 2 are
not initially visible to the characters. They are respon-
s ible for keeping guard over the gate that separates the
entrance from the rest of the lair.
The gate is normally closed and down. It is raised and
lowered by means of a chain and pulley mechanism fas-
tened on the north wall inside area 2, on the east side of
the gate. Under normal circumstances, it takes 3 rounds
to raise or lower the gate, but an emergency device al-
lows the raised gate to be dropped in a split second with
a muffled clang (not audible in any of the occupied areas
on this level other than area 1).
The gate (AC 18, 50 hit points, damage threshold 14)
can be forced open by a character who makes a success-
ful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check.
Net Trap. A large net trap is installed in the ceiling of
the corridor leading from area 1 to the gate that blocks
entry into area 2. The net falls when a creature in area 2
releases the rope that holds it in place. The net can eas-
ily be spotted by anyone who looks toward the ceiling.
When a creature releases the net, a 10-foot-square net
falls from the ceiling, covering the area in front of the
gate in area I. Each creature standing under the net as
it falls must make a successful DC 16 Dexterity saving
throw or be restrained. A creature must make a success-
ful DC 14 Strength check to free itself or another crea-
ture from the net. If the net takes 30 slashing damage, it
is destroyed and all creatures restrained by it are freed.


This bare, spartan room has a stone bench along the
south wall that continues around the angle to the west
wall. A chain-and-pulley mechanism is mounted on the
north wall, next to the exit to the north.
l The sahuagin here prepare to defend themselves.

Two sahuagin stand guard in this room. They attack
intruders attempting to enter the fortress.
The pulley mechanism is described in area 1.
Development. If the gong in area 1 has not been
rung and the fight at the entrance is going badly for the
defe nders, one of the sahuagin tries to flee to area 12
to summon reinforcements. .lt returns with the guards
posted in area J 2 (five sahuagin, two sahuagin coral
smashers [see appendix C], and two sahuagin priest-
esses) in 10 rounds.


Dark blue tiles cover the walls and floor of this room. In
the center of the room sits a table with a small bench
beside it. A coffer is propped in the northeast corner, its
open lid leaning against the wall.
A miner's pick lies on the floor in the southwest corner.

Like most of the rooms on this level, this one has been
allocated to an eventual occupant (in th is case, a cham-

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pion currently quartered in area 60). lt will not be ready
for occupation until this level has been flooded.
The miner's pick is one of the construction workers'
tools. The open coffer is empty.


' Dark green tiles cover the walls and floor of this room.

Many lidless coffers rest against the walls, though there
are none near the northern wall west of the archway. One
of the coffers glows, its blue light filling the room.
A sledgehammer is propped against the northern wall.

Like most of the rooms on this level, this one has al-
ready been allocated to an eventual occupant (in this
case, another champion currently quartered in a rea 60).
The s ledgehammer is one of th e construction work-
ers' tools.


This unfinished area seems intended for use as a bar-
racks. Many lidless coffers are arranged around the walls
of the room, though there are none near the north wall
west of the archway.
Propped against the center of the north wall are doz-
ens of stone-working tools.

This barracks area will eventually, when the level is
flooded, house the sixty warriors currently quartered in
area 60. The sixty coffers, if the characters care to ex-
amine them, are all empty.
The tools are well used and have no value.


r This austere room holds a small table with two chairs

beside it. A stone coffer, its lid open and propped against
the wall, stands in the northeast corner, and an identical
1 one is in the northwest corner.

This room has been allocated to two champions cur-
rently quartered in area 60. The coffers are empty.


r The ceiling of this austere room appears rough and un-
finished. A stone coffer stands in the northeast corner,
and an identical one is in the northwest corner. The lids
to these coffers lie shattered on the floor.


This room has been allocated to two c hampions cur-
rently quartered in area 60. The lids were dropped by
slaves during construction and have not been cleared
away or replaced.


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