Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


The slaves are all unarmed and in a weakened state (half
hit points, disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks).
They do not attack the party and flee the fortress at the
first opportunity. The slaves do not join or otherwise aid
the characters; they cower and yell if threatened or re·
strained. They have no useful information, and their minds
are scattered from abuse. They defend themselves if at-
tacked, but they have escape foremost on their minds.

The trough stops 10 feet from the northern wall. Ln
the northeast corner of the room, the sahuagin have in-
stalled very rudimentary sanitary facilities which, how-
ever crude, are kept surprisingly clean.
One human slave (commoner) named Elmo lies dying
in the northwest corner of this room. Elmo is too weak
to call out to the characters, though he can speak w ith
them if they approach.

Elmo is the sole survivor of a party of adventurers that
penetrated the lair weeks ago. Tn a weak and raspy
voice, he tells his story. Relate the following details:
He is a wizard and the leader of a party of adventurers
from the Hold of the Sea Princes, sent by the Prince
of Monmurg to investigate the strange goings-on in
the former lizardfolk lair.
He and h is companions were equipped to explore un-
derwater but never got that far. As soon as they gained
entry (at area 1), they were immediately attacked by
large numbers of sahuagin.

  • All his comrades were killed in the battle that fol-
    lowed. He was taken prisoner. Since then, he has
    worked as a s lave, laboring on the building efforts.

  • He and his companions had several magic items to
    aid them with underwater exploration, but these items
    were confiscated by the sahuagin (see area 18). He
    does not believe the sahuagin know of their magical
    He recently witnessed the performance of a terrible
    ritual in which many slaves were sacrificed.
    Close to death, Elmo can no longer work or even walk.
    The sahuagin have not even bothered to kill him for
    food, considering his sparse frame not worth the effort.
    Elmo's mind is too damaged to recall any useful infor-
    mation about the layout of the lower levels. He does re-
    member a tremendous earthquake occurring some time
    ago. (The earthquake was caused by the high priestess's
    ritual, though Elmo does not know this.)
    Elmo's Secret. Tf the word "secret" is used in conver-
    sation, it triggers a memory and Elmo relates that he
    helped build a secret door (leading to area 18). He re-
    members that concealing the door required great skill.
    He describes where the room is and how to access it.
    Healing Elmo. Elmo's body and spirit have suffered
    terribly. Spells, potions, and medicine ease his pain but
    do little to reverse his body's deterioration.
    Elmo's Death. Elmo dies as the conversation con-
    cludes.just before he passes, he recalls the summoning
    of the avatar of Sekolah in the temple below.

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The man's eyes suddenly widen, and he grasps at the air.
He turns away from some imagined horror. "The teeth ...
teeth in the temple," he wails, before collapsing dead on
the stone floor.

Elmo's mind is as clouded in death as it was in life, and
any attempts to communicate with him magically reveal
nothing new.


Dark green tiles cover the floor and ceiling of this room,
forming an incomplete mosaic that depicts sahuagin
warriors defending an underwater city from a tentacled
monster. A table stands in the center of the room, with
small, ornately carved benches to either side. Two coffers
are propped against the north wall, their lids closed.


This room and its completed twin (area 15) will serve as
guest quarters for sahuagin notables once this level is
complete and flooded.
The coffers are empty.


Pale b lue tiles cover the floor and ceiling of this room.
Mosaics on the wall depict sahuagin warriors sinking
large sailing ships. A table in the center of the room is
flanked by two ornate benches. Two coffers stand against
the north wall, their lids leaning against their sides.


  • This room and its incomplete twin (area 14) will serve
    as guest quarters for sahuagin notables once this level is
    complete and flooded.
    The coffers are empty.


The air is distinctly colder than outside. This room con·
tains no furniture, but around the walls hang various car-
casses. Some spare hooks attached to the wall are unoc-
cupied. White bones lie heaped in the northeast corner.

Unless work has been stopped and the slaves that were
working in area 19 have been confined in that a rea, the
characters hear hammering coming from the east.
By instinct or observation, the sahuagin have selected
the coldest part of level 1 in which to construct their
larder. The natural temperature here allows dead crea-
tures to be stored for extended periods of time without
risk of significant decomposition.
Carcasses. The carcasses include a normal octopus,
two giant eels, a male dwarf, a male human, and eight
lizard folk. All are fresh or reasonably well preserved.

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