Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


    A strip of open land that is the place for everything that
    isn't fish, salt, or nautical wares, this market stretches
    among a dozen stalls down to the bridge. A few goats.
    eggs, cloth, marsh plants, and pots are available, as well
    as the occasional mule or ox for hauling carts.

    This single large bridge spans the river, with shops and
    homes along its length. The bridge predates the village
    and is large enough for laden carts to pass two abreast.
    Elves and fey folk feel vaguely nauseated when they
    cross the bridge, owing to an ancient curse placed on it
    long before Keoland rose to existence.

    Kiorna Kester (LN female human commoner) runs this
    tannery. where she produces smooth, colorful leather
    for every purpose and sells both the cured hides and
    items she fashions from it. Kiorna is keenly interested
    in acquiring hides from exotic creatures to craft into
    expensive leather. She pays a fee in gold pieces equal
    to 100 times a creature's challenge rating for the intact
    hide of any beast or monstrosity of challenge rating^3
    or higher. Harvesting the hide from such a creature re-
    quires an intact carcass, an hour of work. and a success-
    ful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or Wisdom (Sur-
    vival) check to preserve it in top condition for Kiorna's
    purposes. On a failed check. the hide docs not meet Ki-
    orna's standards but can still be sold for a lesser price.

    This 60-foot-tall tower was the first defensive building of
    Saltmarsh. and it still serves as an armory and lookout
    as well as the official base oft he town guard. Eliander
    spends most of his time here in his duties as com-
    mander of the guard. He sometimes has need for adven-
    turers, and at such times he posts jobs on a board hang-
    ing by the tower's entrance. Roll a d6 and consult the
    table below to determine the nature of an available task.

d6 Goa l Foes Location
Recover sto len Goblins Hool Marshes
2 Apprehend a Wild beasts Hool Marshes
wanted criminal
3 Rescue a captive Bandits Dreadwood
4 Defeat a threat Cultists Dreadwood
5 Find a lost patrol Bullywugs Drowned Forest
6 Scout a dangerous Un dead Azure Sea

    This popular inn and tavern is built from the planks and
    hulls of half a dozen decommissioned fishing ships. Its
    decor is predictably nautical in theme. and its sleeping
    rooms are plain but comfortable renditions of a ship's
    cabins. The smell of fish has never been scrubbed from
    its walls, and chose who stay the night find their belong-
    ings steeped in the scent, which lasts for several days.
    Sailors and fishers gather here to trade stories and
    drink into the night.

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The Snapping Line is run by a young woman named
Hanna Rist (NG female human commoner), who comes
from a family of well-known lobster catchers. The Rist
family also makes a spirit from lobster meat and pota-
toes called claw wine; it is, to put it mildly, an acquired
taste. Hanna employs several former dockhands to keep
peace in her bar.

    This large brick building contains the offices of the town
    council and the chamber where they meet to discuss
    the town business. The hall is built from sturdy stone
    from the nearby cliffs and a variety of hardwood from
    the nearby Hool Marshes. A wooden sign depicting a
    net filled with fish hangs above the double doors lead-
    ing into the hall. A small tower rises from the building.
    housing a horn at the top, which is blown to announce
    the beginning of a council session or other signifi-
    cant events.
    The town has a sturdy but weatherbeaten platform
    and gallows in front of the hall for use in the event of an
    execution. Such punishments are rare, but when they do
    occur, they draw a large crowd. In any given week, there
    is a 2 percent chance of an execution, usually of some
    bandit or other non-native ne'er-do-well.

    Built around the first well dug for the fishers in the
    town's early days is a large market square where mer-
    chants of all descriptions gather on the first day of each
    week to sell their wares. Initially established to sell fish,
    the market has grown to include a wide variety of goods.
    The center area of the square contains a dozen long
    tables where shoppers can eat communally. Items from
    the Player's Handbook costing up to 150 gp are avail-
    able for purchase here.

    Gellan Primewater maintains a large mansion right
    on the docks, allowing him to oversee his ships from
    his upstairs window. He sometimes leans out to shout
    orders or answer questions for his captains and crews,
    his booming voice echoing over the docks. The location
    or his house also makes it convenient for his smugglers;
    the crews slip goods through a secret entrance that
    leads to his mansion's cellar.
    The mansion's most notable feature is its grand entry-
    way and feast hall. Gellan hosts at least one extravagant
    feast per week. headlined by food and drink bought in
    distant ports. His cook, a young gnome named Feliza.
    sometimes hires adventurers to find rare herbs, meats,
    and other ingredients for her dishes.

    The blacksmith's forge has a single anvil with a clear
    sign of dwarven origins, and a backlog of orders ten
    miles long. The human smiths make hooks, nails, har-
    poons, knives, fishing weights. and much more all day.
    Their master smith is an elderly. dark-skinned woman
    named Mafera (LG female human common er ): her son,
    Jasker (LG male human common er). is her best jour-
    neyman. A small shrine to Morad in can be found under
    the eaves as well. though it is somewhat neglected.

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