Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
ever arrives, forcing Mr. Dory to rely solely on his own
guards and minions to defend his property and himself.


The interior of the warehouse is piled high with crates,
boxes, and packages, most marked with alchemists'
personal symbols and "FRAGILE" or "HANDLE WITH
CARE." A closed door offers a way into a walled-in area to
the northwest. A mechanical lift stands along the south
wall to the east, and two iron spiral staircases rise from
the northeast and southwest corners.

The lift is operated by a winch, and it can be used to
move large objects between this area and the loft. At
least two people are needed to operate the winch.
Daytime Crew. By day, this room bustles with work-
ers (eleven commone rs) loading and unloading ship-
ments of alchemical s upplies and products onto and
off wagons. The worke rs are too busy to talk, but four
guards (thugs) approach the c haracters to ask their
business, and to direct them to Birsk Chumwell in area
D2 if they ask odd questions or seem suspicious. If they
see anyone trying to enter the loft (area D3), they alert
Chum well at once. If the characters act belligerently, the
workers and the guards Hee from such obviously capable
foes, and try (without success) to s ummon the militia.
Nighttim e Watch. By night, the only denizens of the
warehouse are three manticores and their r ed slaad

handler. The manticores Ay between levels on constant
patrol, and th e slaad spends its time lounging in the
loft. lf it needs to get down to the ground Aoor, it simply
jumps, knowing it will quickly regenerate the damage it
takes from the fall.
Fire Hazard. The alchemical contents of the crates
make the warehouse a risky place to have a fight. At
the end of each round in which weapon damage or the
movement of combatants might accidentally disturb a
pile of crates, or if any effect deals damage in an area
other than necrotic. poison. or psychic damage, there's
a 20 percent chance that a nearby crate explodes, set-
ting off a chain reaction that engulfs the e ntire ware-
house in Rames. The initial explosion deals 28 (8d6)
fire damage to each creature in the warehouse. or half
damage to creatures that succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw.
Every creature that starts its turn in the burning ware-
house takes 3 (1d6) fire damage. Additionally, the upper
Aoors of the warehouse collapse 2d4 rounds after the
fire starts. Each creature in the warehouse when it col-
lapses takes 14 (4d6) fire damage and must make a DC
15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
takes an additional 28 (8d6) bludgeoning damage and is
restrained beneath the rubble. On a successful save, the
creature takes half the bludgeoning damage and is not
The collapse makes the entire area of the warehouse
difficult terrain. and each creature that starts its turn in
the warehouse thereafter takes 7 (2d6) fire damage. A
restrained creature can escape by using an action and
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