Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Unless you decide othe rwise, each s hip encountered on
the sea has its full c rew and enough food and warer ro
s us tain that crew and any passengers for the duration
of the ship's journey. You can generate a c rew using the
suggestions in the "Ship Purpose" section below or by
using the suggesred cre w for a s hip's type.

Should you need to quickly generate the name of a mem-
ber of a ship's crew, th e following table makes it easy to
produce a two-part name that could apply to any mem-
ber of a c rew, regardless of gender or race.

d20 First Half Second Half
Salty Beard
2 01' Eye
3 Silver Copper
4 Golden Fish
s Black Whale
6 Blue Dog
7 Silky Cur
8 Heartless Fingers
9 Drizzly Patches
10 Thirsty Hook
11 Rum Salt
12 Gloomy Rat
13 Handsome Charm
14 Wee Beast
15 Clever Devil
16 Ugly Liar
17 Pretty Angel
18 Lost Blood
19 Mad Maps
20 Poor Mast

Every ship has a reason for its voyages, which can be
rolled or chosen on the Ship Purpose table. Each pur-
pose is described after the table.

dlOO Purpose
01 - 17 Cargo
18 - 34
52-6 8
69 - 85
86- 95



Cargo s hips haul mercantile goods, emergency relief
s upplies, traveling carnivals, and any other materials
that need to move across the seas. Let the ship's align-

me nt. racial makeup, and disposition guide what a ship
might carry as cargo.
Most c rew membe rs and officers on cargo ships are
commoners. Vessels with valuable cargo may carry
2dl0 guards wirh a veteran guard captain. Cargo ships
that transport livestock may have goats. camels, draft
horses, mules, and other beasts, in addition to their
c rews and passengers.

Passenger ships carry travele rs. Such vessels are char-
tered for journeys or pleasure cruises or carry refugees.
religious missionaries, or some other peaceful group
traveling to an important destination.
Mos t crew members and officers on passenger ships
are commoners. Vessels carrying important people
may carry 2d10 guards with a ve teran guard captain.
The passengers on a passenger s hip generally consist of
commoners and nobles. though many creatures have
the need to t ravel by ship.

Fishing ships include commercial vessels that carch fish
a nd crustaceans to sell at ma rket, whaling boats, and
trophy hunters stalking sharks, giant octopuses, and
ot he r sea monsters. Any vessel that hunts sea life for
profit, s urvival, or s port has this purpose.
Most c rew membe rs and officers on commercial
fishing ships are commone rs , but whaling vessels and
sport hunters often have scouts among their ranks.

Military vessels carry soldie rs to war and are equipped
for battle on the sea. These vessels hunt pirates, defe nd
and invade ter ritory, carry important governme nt cargo,
escort officials, transport prisoners, a nd do anything
else their commanders require.
Most crew members on military ships are guards or
scouts. Officers are veterans. Many military ships carry
extra guards as passengers for invasion, boarding. and
operating siege weapons. A military ship may also carry
ld4 bandits or guards as prisone rs.

Pirates smuggle contraband goods and rob other ships,
seaside towns. and outposts. They engage in criminal
operations, but not all a re evil. Many have an e thical
code. Some serve governments as privateers, harming
only these masters' adversaries, while ot hers rob only
the corrupt and give their ill-gotten gains to the needy.
Most c rew members on pirate ships are bandits. Of-
ficers a re bandit captains and could include a pirate
captain (see appendix C) and a pirate bosun (see ap-
pe ndix C). Many pirate ships carry extra bandits and
at least one pirate deck wizard (see appendix C) as

Mercenary c re ws travel the world in search of adventure
and pay. They explore uncharted territories. fight wars,
s lay monsters, transport special cargo or people, and
undertake any quest for the right cost.
Me rcenary s hips have crews and passengers similar
to military ships.

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