Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
The Marshal has the following features:
Barnacles. The outside of the Marshal is covered in all
manner of sharp barnacles. A c reature that is pushed
against the outside of the ship by magic like the thun-
derwave spell, or by a shove attack, or that falls prone
onto a barnacle-covered surface takes 3 (ld6) slash-
ing damage.
Ceilings. The ceilings of the Marshal's lower deck are
8 feet high, with 6-foot-high doorways connecting
the chambers.
Depth. The sea floor is 40 feet below the surface of the
water. The Marshal's highest point is 5 feet below the
surface of the water. The depth of the rocks and vari-
ous decks of the ship are noted on map A.6.
Light. The exposed decks of the Marshal and areas out-
side the s hip are brightly lit by the sun during the day
and dimly lit by the moon at night. The interior of the
ship and the sea cave a re concealed in darkness.
Structure. The wood of the Marshal's hull, deck, and
doors is rotting. Unless otherwise noted, a door or a
5-foot-square section of wall, ceiling, or floor of the
ship has AC 10, 10 hit points, and immunity to poison
and psychic damage.

The following areas a re keyed to map A.6.

Eight har pies lurk in their bone-covered nests on th is
rock, gnawing on humanoid remains. When the harpies
notice humanoids nearby, they use Luring Song to bring
their prey in close before attacking. The harpies fight
until four remain and then flee.
Treas ure. If the characters search the harpy nests,
they find a holy symbol of St. Cuthbert made with gold
and sapphires (150 gp), a jasper (50 gp), a piece of obsid-
ian (10 gp), a tiger eye (10 gp), 1,231 cp, 641 sp, 320 ep,
164 gp, and 12 pp.

The upper decks of the Marshal have the follow-
ing features :
Barna cles. The upper decks are covered in barnacles
(see "Wreck Features").
Cabins. Doors leading fore and aft from the central
portion of the deck give access to cabins that once
we re occupied by the ship's officers. These cabins (not
depicted on the map) were emptied of their belong-
ings long ago.
Nava l Ram. The ship's iron naval ram is shaped like an
enormous cudgel, the chosen weapon of St. Cuthbert.
Pit. A 15-foot-wide, 10-foot-long pit leads 10 feet down to
the cargo hold (area M3). It is half covered with a net
overgrown with algae.
Trapdoors. Two trapdoors lead down to steps that end
in area M3.
Cudgel Ram. A detect magic spell or similar ef-
fect reveals an aura of evocation magic around the
1.000-pound naval ram. A ship with the naval ram at-

tached has advantage on all saving throws relating to
crashing whe n it crashes into a c reature or object. The
s hip and the ram suffer no damage in the crash. These
benefits don't apply if another vessel crashes into the
ship with the naval ram attached.

The cargo hold has the following features:
Debris. Broken crates and barrels that once held food
and fresh water litter the ground.
Statue. A 25-foot-tall marble statue of St. Cuthbert
is laid horizontally and attached to the floor with
rusty chains.
Rusty Chains. The chains that bind the statue of St.
Cuthbert have AC 14 , 18 hit points, and immunity to
poison and psychic damage. The chains are rusty but
solidly locked. A character can pick the lock with a suc-
cessful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves' tools. A
character can break the chains with a successful DC 14
Strength check.
Statue of St. Cuthbert. The missionaries of St. Cuth-
bert planned to stay for months or years in most ports,
so they brought along a statue of their sacred deity to
display at each stop. The statue weighs 1, 500 pounds.
A detect magic spell or similar effect reveals auras
of enchantment and necromancy magic radiating from
the statue. A creature of any nonchaotic alignment that
prays to St. Cuthbert for 1 minute while within 10 feet of
the statue is affected as if it just drank a pob"on of h ero-
ism. The statue grants this benefit to no more than one
creature every 24 hours.
A creature of any chaotic alignment that prays to St.
Cuthbert for 1 minute while within 10 feet of the statue
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
become blinded for 1 hour.

The missionaries fashioned this shrine so they would
have a place to worship during travel. It has the follow-
ing features:
Altar. An oak altar painted with a faded image of St.
Cuthbert stands at the west end of the room.
Benches. Four rotting benches are attached to the floor.
Altar. A detect magic spell or similar effect reveals
an aura of divination magic radiating from the altar. A
character who examines the altar and succeeds on a
DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check finds a hidden
lid that allows the altar to open. The inside of the lid is
mirrored. The altar's inner compartment holds a carved
indentation of a holy symbol of St. Cuthbert and a coiled
iron cobra that attacks any creature not wearing a sym-
bol of St. Cuthbert.
When a creature places th e symbol of St. Cuthbert's
knowledge (see area M8) in the indentation, that c rea-
ture can touch the mirrored lid and cast a scrying spell
(DC 17) with the altar. The altar can be used to cast this
spell only once every 24 hours.

The crew quarters are a mess of rotted mattresses, bro-
ken furniture, and ruined belongings.

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