Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


The magic items introduced in this book are detailed
here in alphabetical order. The adventure in which an
item appears is given at the end of its description.

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This fist-sized charm is made from a bundle of dried
plant stems wrapped in silver thread. Hung on a leather
thong, it is typically worn around the neck or attached
to a belt.
This charm has 3 charges. While you bear the charm,
you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the speak
with plants spell. For the duration of the spell, you also
have advantage on Charisma checks made to influence
the behavior, demeanor. and attitude of plants. The
charm regains all expended charges at dawn each day.
(Tammeraut's Fate)

Wondrous item. uncommon (requires attunement)
This flat, gray-and-black river stone is inscribed with
an unknown arcane symbol and feels cool to the touch.
While carrying the stone. you can gain advantage on one
ability check of your choice. The stone can't be used this
way again until the next dawn.
Curse. This item is cursed. Attuning to it curses you
until you are targeted by a remove curse spell or similar
magic. As long as you remain cursed, you cannot dis-
card the stone, which immediately teleports back into
your pocket or pack. After you use the stone's magic,
your next two ability checks are made with disadvan-
tage. (The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh)

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While wearing this brass helmet, you can breathe un-
derwater, you gain dark vision with a range of 60 feet,
and you gain a swimming speed of 30 feet. (Danger al
Dunwater, Tammeraut's Fare)


l.Vondrous irem, common
This long, delicate wooden pipe features a bowl made
from smooth river stone. When the pipe is lit. smoke
exhaled from it does not dissipate, instead lingering
around the bearer. After JO minutes, the smoke forms
moving shapes that reenact the bearer's most impres-
sive and heroic achievements for 5 minutes. When this
realistic performance is complete, the smoke dissipates.
The pipe can't be used this way again until the next
dawn. (The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh)

Wondrous item, common
This small capsule is made of beeswax blended with
sand and a variety of enchanted water plants. A creature
who consumes a pressure capsule ignores the effects of
swimming at depths greater than 100 feet (see "Unusual
Environments" in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's
Guide). (Tammeraut's Fate)

Wondrous item. common
Skillfully carved from sandstone, this 1-foot-tall statu-
ette depicts a shark twisting through the water with its
mouth open. If any Tiny sea-dwelling animal is within
l inch of the statuette's mouth, the shark flashes to life
and deals 1 piercing damage to it. The shark can deal
damage in this way no more than once per hour. (The
Final Enemy)


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