Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

The Dunwater River meanders its way into the Azure
Sea. It is a broad, slow-moving body of water. choked
with reeds and too shallow in many spots to allow boats
other than rafts to traverse it.
The Dunwater's nature makes it an ideal stalking
ground for bandits. Outlaws and evil humanoids build
temporary forts along th e river, keeping a watch out for
anyone trying to make their way along its length. Some
gangs stretch chains across the water to impede the
pat h of a boat or raft, leaving it vulnerable to an attack.
Somewhere along the river (accounts vary as to the
exact location) stand the overgrown ruins of a tower that
once housed an order of alchemists. The alchemists
came to an explosive end when an experiment caused
the tower's upper level to explode and several vats of
chemical s to burst and Rood the tower's basement. The
resulting mixture attained a vague sentience, trans-
forming into a great number of oozes that now plague
th e r iver. The oozes encountered in th e river have
swimming speeds equal to their normal speeds and can
breathe both air and water.
Random Encounters. The Dunwater River Random
Encounters table provides ideas for the sort of encoun-
ters that can take place here. Check for an encounter
once per day by rolling a d20. On an 18 or higher, the
characters have an encounter at some point during the
day or night (equal chance of each); roll a d20 again and
consult the table.

d20 Result
1 -3 2d6 bandits
4 ld4 gray oozes
5 ld6 ogres
6-7 ld3 crocodiles
8 -10 2d6 bullywugs
11-12 1 black pudding
13 1 gelatinous cube
14-15 2d4 lizardfolk
16 1 shambling mound
17 - 19 ld3 ochre jellies
20 1 young black dragon


This forest got its name from the silvery sheen that
marks the leaves and bark of its trees. Long ago. elves
from the Feywild crossed the planar boundaries to set-
tle here. Today, several wood elf clans dwell in elegant.
wooden structures built among the forest canopy. Not a
single creature enters or leaves the forest's boundaries
w ithout th e knowledge of the elves.
The elves of the Silverstand periodically send war par-
ties to patrol the outer reaches of the Dreadwood. The
Wild Flame Pact- an alliance struck between the elves.
the kingdom of Keoland. and the treants of the region-
commits all three groups to repelling the monsters that
emerge from the forest. At rare times, the elves or ganize
patrols into the deepest, deadliest regions of the Dread-
wood in hopes of defeating threats in their nascent state.

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The Azure Sea has long been a turbulent body of water
in every sense. Its storms have sent countless ships to
their doom, and warfare of one sort of another is con-
ducted across its surface all the lime. Pirates affiliated
with the Sea Princes, along with independent ma-
rauders, prey on ships that attempl to cross the ocean.
S trange monsters, including vicious dinosaurs from the
Amecliojungle in the far south, emerge from below from
time to time.
Despite all these actual and potential dangers, several
realms rely on the sea for waterborne trade. By tracing
a route in and through the Azure Sea. merchant vessels
can reach almost every important trading realm in the
world of Grey hawk.

The waters of the Azure Sea have claimed many ships,
whether through natural causes or as the result of naval
combat. Some shipwrecks. such as the ones descr ibed
below, arc notable for the treasures they hold. Located
in shallow, coastal waters, these wrecks are accessible
to those who have the magic. cunning, and courage
needed to loot them. (The sites are not marked on the
map. giving you the flexibility to place them where you
want and change any of their particulars.)

Sinker. Located in just (^15) feet of water. this small
fishing boat is named for the exquisite, silvered fishing
pole its prior owner once possessed. The fishing pole,
worth 200 gp, rests with the wreck. Unfortunately for
treasure seekers, a giant crab makes its lair in the
boat's remains.
Escape. This sailing ship was a renowned blockade
runner before it was run down and destroyed by ships
of the Sea Princes. Its wreckage is scattered ac a depth
of (^30) feet. A waterproofed treasure chest inside the bro-
ken hull bears the lion rampant emblem of Keoland and
holds 500 gp. Two sw arms of quipper s prowl the area
in search of a meal.
Curiosity. This galleon belonged lo the mage Morden-
kainen, who dispatched it to a distant shore in search of
treasure. The ship sank in a mysterious and especially
ferocious storm. A convincingly cr ab-like apparatus of
Kwalish being transported in its hold remains at the sea
bottom. but a marilith bound to guard it remains and
attempts to slay anyone other than Mordenkainen who
lays a hand on it. The ship sits approximately I 00 feet
below the waves.
The Coast Random Encounters table and the Azure
Sea Random Encounters table provide ideas for the sort
of encounters that can take place along the seashore
or on the surface of the water. Check for an encounter
once per day by rolling a d20. On an 18 or higher, the
characters have an encounter at some point during the
day or night (equal chance of each); roll a d20 again and
consult the appropriate table.
The Azure Sea table includes entries for several of the
most notorious pirate vessels that are active in the re-
gion. These pirate ships are detailed following the table.

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