Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


A crude metal stove, not lit, leans against the hull. It has
an adjustable metal chimney that can be p laced through
a vent hole when it is opened. Next to the stove is an
open metal bin containing sticks of wood kindling, and
beside this is a large wood table, bolted firmly to the
deck, with a thick top crisscrossed with score marks. The
table has a large drawer.
Hanging from hooks set into the hull above the table
are two iron frying pans, two saucepans, and a skillet.
Set against the bulkhead opposite is a large cask filled
with clear liquid. Beside this stands a wooden cupboard.
Against the bulkhead beside the forward door is a
wooden upright chair, and hanging from the center of the
deck above is an unlit, hooded lantern.

There is nothing of significant value here. and the area
is unoccupied.
The drawer. which is unlocked, holds an assortment
of butcher's knives. saws, and choppers. The cask con-
tains water, while the cupboard holds a miscellany of tin
mugs, small and large tin plates. wooden platters, and a
metal dipper.


A distinct odor about this room reminds you of a marsh
or a swamp-not fetid, not oppressive, but certainly
In the center of the area is a wood table, bolted to the
deck. On the table sits a silver jug half full of a red liquid;
with it are three pewter mugs. Around the table are set
three upright wooden chairs, and an unlit hooded lantern
hangs from the ceiling above.
In the gloom, you can see three hammocks-one
at each end of the cabin s lung between the bulkhead
and one of the ship's ribs, and the third hanging across
the corner of the cabin from next to the aft door to
the central bulkhead. Each hammock is occupied by a
scaled figure.
A small chest or box of some sort lies under the most
forward hammock. There appear to be weapons under
each of the hammocks.

Three lizardfol k warriors occupy the hammocks. The
chest and its contents are their property. The lizardfolk
were provided by the chieftain of their clan to help en-
sure that the smuggled weapons in area^15 make it to
their lair. When they become aware of the characters,
they initially assume they are smugglers and treat them
as such, demanding in a combination of Draconic and
broken Common to know when the weapons will be de-
livered to their kinfolk.

A pseudodr agoo named Bimz sleeps in a small nest
behind the chest. It is the companion of one of the liz-
ard folk and joins in the combat to defend its master.
Combat in this small room is hampered by its size
and low ceilings. Melee attacks made with t wo-handed
weapons have disadvantage in this room.
Development. If Bimz is still alive when its master
dies. it stops attacking and retreats to its nest. It con-
tinues to fight only if pursued. After the remaining liz-
ard folk are dealt with. Bimz chooses one character and
bonds with that individual. Bimz prefers to bond with
a party member that did not directly attack it, is good-
aligned, and also did not d irectly attack its lizard folk
master. I f no character meets all those conditions. the
one who met the most conditions will suffice. Alterna-
tively. the characters can engage in a contest of Cha-
risma checks (highest wins) to determine whom Bimz
bonds with.
Treasure. A silver jug on the table contains wine and
is worth 25 gp.
The chest is locked and can be opened by a character
who succeeds on a DC^12 Dexterity check using thieves'
tools. The key to the chest lies under a hammock; it can
be noticed by someone who succeeds on DC^10 Wisdom
(Perception) check or by a character who closely exam-
ines the hammock.
The chest is also trapped with a poison needle. No-
ticing the trap requires a successful DC^12 lntelligence
(Investigation) check. A successful DC^12 Dexterity
check is required to disarm the trap. Opening the chest
without disarming the trap. or failing to disarm it, trig-
gers the trap.
When triggered. the trap fires a small poisoned dart
from the lock. Any creatur e standing in front of the lock
is automatically struck by the needle, Laking^1 piercing
damage and 4 (ld4 + 2) poison damage.
The chest contains ten electrum ingots worth^100 ep
each. These ingots are another part of the payment for
the consignment of weapons. to be handed over on com-
pletion of delivery.


This seems to be one of the master cabins. The furnish·
ings and fittings are of good quality, and the place is tidy.
A single bunk, made up with bed linen, has its
head against a bulkhead running along the centerline
of the ship.
A polished wood table stands in the center of the
room, bolted to the deck. On the table is a silver bowl
containing an assortment of fruit, a silver carafe half
full of a light red liquid, and a silver goblet. Set at the
table are two upright wooden chairs and a padded
leather chair.
O n the deck toward the stern is a wooden, b rass·
bound chest. Beside it is a pair of highly polished black
leather boots. From the center of the ceiling, over the
table, hangs an unlit hooded lantern.

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