Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

    If the shaman in area^12 escaped and alerted the sha-
    mans here, the room is unoccupied. Otherwise, use the
    description below.

A wooden table set against the south wall features a
wooden bowl of fruit. A wooden bench is against the
north wall, and in the center of the room a wooden chair
faces the bench.
Three lizardfolk in robes are reciting a sibilant chant.

A lizardfolk shaman is leading two disciples (lizard-
folk) in a short prayer to Semuanya.
If the party arrives here accompanied by friendly liz-
ard folk, the shaman initially urges the guards to attack.
A successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check by
a character prevents a fight, and instead the lizardfolk
take the characters in custody and take them to meet
the queen.
Trea sure. The shaman wears a gold necklace
adorned with polished pearls (100 gp).


A single cot is set against the west wall, an iron chest at
its foot. Opposite, against the east wall, stands a small
wooden table. On it are two items made of silver, a statu-
ette of a lizardfolk and an incense burner.

The key to the chest in this room is affixed to the un-
derside of the table with a blob of gummy resin.
Ch est. The chest is locked and can be opened by a
character who makes a successful DC 12 Dexterity
check using thieves' tools. The chest is trapped with a
swinging blade trap. Noticing the trap requires a suc-
cessful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check. A suc-
cessful DC 12 Dexterity check is required to disarm the
trap. Opening the chest without disarming the trap, or
failing to disarm it, triggers the trap.

When the trap is triggered, a scything blade swings
up, striking at any creature within 5 feet of the front of
the chest. Affected creatures must make a DC 13 Dex-
terity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) slashing damage on a
failed save or half as much on a successful one.
Treasure. The incense burner is worth 5 gp, and the
silver statue is worth 50 gp. The chest contains the fol-
lowing items: a bolt of green velvet cloth (5 gp). a large
leather sack holding 200 ep. an ivory figurine depicting
Semuanya (25 gp), and a small, padded wooden box con-
taining two doses of antitoxin (100 gp).

    If the party arrives here directly from the marsh, read:

A cave entrance yawns thirty feet wide and fifteen feet
high. The marshy ground turns to mud near the cave,

and tracks from large creatures pass in and out. Inside
the cave, the floor consists of thick mud, and you find it
impossible to move at normal speed.
The cave reaches a height of about forty feet. At the far
side of the cave, a narrow stone pathway connects two
arched entrances that lead deeper into the hillside, one
in the northeast corner of the cave and the other in the
southeast corner. A sudden movement in the mud is all
the warning you get before six forms leap forth.

If the party arrives from inside the lizardfolk lair, read:

  • You have entered a huge cave on a narrow stone path-
    way that runs along the eastern portion of the south
    wall. The pathway connects two tunnel entrances-one
    in the southeast corner, the other in the northeast. At
    the far side of the cave is a gaping hole thirty feet w ide
    and fifteen feet high that leads out into the marsh and
    the open air.
    Apart from the stone pathway, the floor is covered with
    thick mud; tracks indicate that some large creatures have
    passed back and forth. There is sudden movement in the
    mud, and six large reptilian forms rush toward you.

With the exception of the edge of the pit to the west. this
area is difficult terrain. The mud here is 15 inches deep.
Six gia nt lizard s lair in this mud-filled cave. They
have been trained to serve as guards by the lizardfolk
and attack intruders immediately. Any adult lizardfolk
can call off the lizards. The giant lizards can (and will)
pass through the cave entrance to pursue characters out
into the marsh.
Development. Combat in this area alerts the lizard-
folk in area 23.
Treasure. About 5 feet north of the center of the
southern wall, partially buried in the mud, is a breast-
plate- much battered and twisted and now detached
from the full suit of plate armor it once belonged to. Be-
neath the breastplate, buried in mud, is a longsword.
These items were the property of a member of a band
of inexperienced adventurers who tried to penetrate the
lair on their own some weeks ago and were killed in the
attempt. The breastplate is too battered to perform any
useful function, but the weapon is a +I longsword.

    Unless the sounds of combat in area 22 are magically
    silenced, the lizardfolk in this room rush there imme-
    diately to assist the giant lizards. Adjust the description
    below if they have not moved to that area.

This bare room features only a wooden bench set
against the west wall.

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