Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Rarity Item Source
Uncommon Alchemy jug DMG
Uncommon Elemental gem DMG
Uncommon Guild signet GGR
Uncommon Headband of intellect DMG
Uncommon Mizzium apparatus GGR
Uncommon Pyroconverger CCR
Rare Bowl of commanding water DMG
Rare Brazier of DMG
Rare Censer of controlling air elementals DMG
Rare Guild keyrune GGR
Rare Mizzium armor CCR
Rare Mizzium mortar GGR
Rare Wand of wonder DMG
Very rare Manual of go/ems DMG
Very rare Staff of thunder and lightning DMG
Legendary Apparatus of Kwalish DMG
Legendary Ring of elemental command DMG
Legendary Staff of the magi DMG

T he oligarchs and pontiffs of the Orzhov Syndicate view
possession of magic items as a mark of status, whether
those items a re ostentatiously on display or hidden
away in a vault. Items that the guild creates are often
extremely ornate; Orzhov-made wings of flying, for ex-
ample, m ight have the appearance of bird wings where
every feather looks like colorful stained glass. Items that
magically increase the wearer's imposing presence and
authority a re especially cove ted in the syndicate.

Rarity Item Source
Uncommon Eyes of charming DMG
Uncommon Guild signet GGR
Rare Guild keyrune CCR
Rare Rod of ru/ership DMG
Rare Wings of flying DMG
Very rare Mirror of life trapping DMG
Very rare Tome of leadership and influence DMG
Legendary Sphere of annihilation DMG

Fire, pain, spectacle, and just enough random destruc-
tion to make life enjoyable-that's all Rakdos cultists
want out of t heir magic items. Items that magically cre-
a te fire, leave lingering wounds, instill fear, or randomly
devour objects put inside the m are all sources of delight
for members of the Cult of Rakdos.


Rarity Item Source
Uncommon Deck of illusions DMG
Uncommon Guild keyrune CCR
Uncommon Guild signet CCR
Uncommon Potion of fire breath DMG
Rare Cape of the mountebank DMG
Rare Flame tongue DMG
Rare Mace of terror DMG
Rare Necklace of fireballs DMG
Rare Sword of wounding DMG
Rare Wand of fear DMG
Rare Wand of fireballs DMG
Very rare Bag of devouring DMG
Very rare Dancing sword DMG
Very rare Demon armor DMG
Very rare Nine lives stealer DMG
Very rare Staff of fire DMG
Very rare Sword of sharpness DMG
Legendary Iron flask DMG
Legendary Rakdos riteknife CCR

Members of the Selesnya Conclave cherish magic items
that heal and protect, items that call on the forces of na-
ture (and the will ofMat'Selesnya), and weapons of fine
elven elegance. Such items are often made from natural
mate rials such as wood and leather and might incor po-
rate leaves and vines.

Rarity Item Source
Uncommon Bag of tricks DMG
Uncommon Bracers of archery DMG
Uncommon Guild signet CCR
Uncommon Instrument of the bards DMG
or great er
Uncommon Peria pt of health DMG
Uncommon Peria pt of wound closure DMG
Rare Elixir of health DMG
Rare Guild keyrune CCR
Rare Peria pt of proof against poison DMG
Rare Ring of animal influence DMG
Rare Staff of healing DMG
Rare Staff of the woodlands DMG
Very rare Oath bow DMG
Very rare Staff of thunder and lightning DMG
Legendary Rod of resurrection DMG

The Simic Combine spends more of its time altering
the biological processes of living creatures than it
does working on magic items. Its preferred items ei-
ther facilitate physical t ransformation or are creatures
themselves-symbiotic life forms engineered to provide
Simic researchers and soldiers with new capabilities.
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