Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

S1M1c NPCs

Curiosity about the manifold wonders of life-as well
as the magical science involved in modifying it- leads
inquisitive and ambitious minds from across Ravnica to
join the Simic Combine. Grouped together in clades and
projects, Simic scientists look for new ways to speed the
nature's processes of adaptation and evolution, prepar-
ing organisms of all kinds that can thrive in the danger-
ous and ever-changing urban environment.
Most Simic researchers are humans, vedalken, elves,
and merfolk, or at least they were born that way. During
their careers, they might give themselves such a wide
variety of adaptations and augmentations that their her-
itage is hard to ascertain. The Simic NPCs table sum-
marizes key roles within the guild. Statistics for these
NPCs are found in the Monster Manual unless the table
states otherwise.

S1M 1c NPCs

Biomancer (creates hybrids)
Forcemage (grows flora and fauna)
Terraformer (alters environments)
* Appears in this chapter

Appropriate Stat Block
Druid or mage


The regal and reticent Prime Speaker Zegana is the
merfolk guildmaster of the Simic Combine. She up-
holds the traditional ways of the guild and its utopian
philosophy, which espouses a vision of an ideal world in
which nature and civilization coexist in perfect balance.
Some people in the guild- members of the Adaptationist
faction in particular-argue that her ways are outdated
and the guild requires more practical leadership. In
response, Zegana maintains that she serves as prime
speaker only at the sufferance of the Speakers' Cham-
ber, and if the other speakers wish to replace her, they
are certainly within their rights to do so.

Ideal: "Nature's patterns are the schematics for how
to improve."
Bond: "I will use all the resources at my disposal to see
that Ravnica becomes the best it can be."
Flaw: "I can't understand how progress could ever be
the wrong goal."

Nearly all the innovation and advancement in Simic bio-
engineering comes from the work of biomancers. Spe-
cialists in hybridizing and altering creatures through a
mixture of science and magic, they have spawned count-
less hybrids and krasis in search of the perfect union
between nature and civilization.
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