Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Lead Designers: James Wyatt, Jeremy Crawford
Designers: Ari Levitch, Ben Petrisor, Mike Mearls, Robert J.
Schwalb, Chris Tulach

Managing Editor: Jeremy Crawford
Editors: Christopher Perkins, Kim Mohan, Michele Carter, Phil
Athans, Kate Welch

Art Direction: Shauna Narciso. Ari Levitch
Graphic Designer: Trish Yochum
Additional Graphic Design: Emi Tanji
Additional Art Direction: Jeremy Jarvis, Jeremy Cranford, Pamela
Ansman-Wolfe, Taylor lngvarsson, Dawn Murin, Cynthia Sheppard,
Andrew Vallas, Mark Winters

Cover Illustrator: Magali Villeneuve
Interior Illustrators: Deruchenko Alexander, Even Amundsen, Steve
Argyle, Volkan Baga, Ryan Barger, Steven Belledin, Mike Bierek,
Johann Bodin, Zoltan Boros, Noah Bradley, John Severin Brassell,
Filip Burburan, Dmitry Burmak, Wesley Burt, Clint Cearley, Milivoj
Ceran , Jason Chan, Sidha rth Chaturvedi, Zezhou Chen, Jedd
Chevrier, Chippy, Cliff Childs, Sung Cho i, Yongjae Choi, Jehan Choo,
Daarken, Florian De Gesincourt, Eric Deschamps, Simon Dominic,
Scott M. Fischer, Randy Gallegos, Lars Grant-West, Yeong-Hao
Han, Josh Hass, Michael C. Hayes, Izzy, Tomasz Jedruszek, Jaime
Jones, Igor Kieryluk, Mathias Kollros, Alex Konstad, Karl Kopinski,
Lius Lasahido, Daniel Ljunggren, Todd Lockwood, Titus Lunter,
Howard Lyon, Slawomir Maniak, Seb McKinnon, Aaron Miller,
Victor Adame Minguez, Peter Mohrbacher, Willian Murai, Scott


A wizard of the lzzet League exults in the success of her latest
ex periment, while the draconic mas ter of her guild looks on-and a
detachment of Boros Legion angels hurries to ensure no innocents
are harmed. Artist Magali Villeneuve has been painting MAcic-
cards since 2013.

Disclaimer: The Uving Cuildpoct is nor responsible for the fore of those who ore orresred by
the Azorius, beaten by rhe Boros. dodged by the Dimir, grossed our by rhe Colgori, gored
by rhe Cruul, imploded by the lzzet, ourwiued by the Orzhov, rousted by the Rakdos. sub·
sumed by the Selesnyo. or s1'cktned by the Simic, jo;n or leave '1 g"ild ot your own risk, and
ger caught up in guild politics at your peril.

620CS835000001 EN
ISBN: 978-0 -7869-6659-
Firs t Printing: November 2018



Murphy, Winona Nelson, Terese Nielsen, Karla Ortiz, James Paick,
David Palumbo, Ryan Pancoast, Adam Paquette, Jung Park, Martina
Pilcerova, rk post, Livia Prima, Chris Rahn, Jason Rainville, Chris
Rallis, David Rapoza, Jenn Ravenna, Wayne Reynolds, Grzegorz
Rutkowski, James Ryman, Dan Scott, Bram Sels, Craig J Spearing,
Anna Steinbauer, Zack Stella, Matt Stewart, Chase Stone, Raymond
Swan la nd, Wisnu Tan, Viktor Titov, Randy Vargas, Svetlin Velinov,
Magali Villeneuve, Johannes Voss, Kev Walker, Tyler Walpole, Jack
Wang, Mark Winte rs, Richard Wright, Darek Zabrocki, Eytan Zana,
Kirsten Zirngibl, Mark Zug
Cartographers: Jonas De Ro, Dyson Logos

Ravnica World Design: Doug Beyer, Sam Burley, Jeremy Cranford ,
Kelly Digges, Brady Dommermuth, Jenna Helland, Cory H.
Herndon, Jeremy Jarvis, Kimberly Kreines, Chris L'etoile, Adam
Lee, Ari Levitch, Alison Luhrs, Shawn Main, Dawn Murin, Richard
Whitters, Mark Winters, James Wyatt

Producer: Dan Tovar
Project Manager: Matt Warren
Product Engineer: Cynda Callaway
Imaging Technicians: Kevin Yee
Art Administration: David Gershman
Prepress Specialist: Jefferson Dunlap

Other D&D Team Members: Bart Carroll, Kate Irwin, Christopher
Lindsay, Shelly Mazzanoble, Hilary Ross, Liz Schuh, Nathan
Stewart, Greg Tito

Playtesters: Adrian Farmer, Alea Scheldel, Alex Loney. Alex R Clough, Alexandra Williams.
Allen King, Amy Anne Scott, Andrew Epps, Andrew Oliver, Andrey Sarafanov, Andy
Baker, Andy Xu, Angel Michelli, Arthur Saucier. Arthur Wright. Austin Field, Austin
Haffl<e, Ben Heisler, Benjamin Cook. Bill "Grishnak• Kerney. Bruce LaClair, Bryan
Gillispie, Caleb Zutavern, Carlos Robles. Casey Pierson, Cat Meadors. Charles Wright,
Chase Godfrey. Chase Louviere. Chris •waffles" Wathen, Chris Balboni. Chris Breunig,
Christian Franz. Christian Zoltar Bellomo, Christopher Hackler, Christopher Scoggin,
Cinz1a Ceriani, Cody Helms, Colin Wheeler, Craig Domres. Curt Duval, Dami~o Abreu,
Damon Liddell. Dan Masucci, Daniel Fraire, Daniel 'KBlin' Oliveira, Dario "Uzedh"
Berto, Dave "Obrain'' Brainard, Dave "OJ" Jimenez, Dave Brainard, Dave Jimenez,
Dave Rosser, David Baldeffama. David Brainard, David Francis, David Greener, David
He, David Jimenez, David Kovaric. Deb Bertin. Denise Franz. Oovg Harrison, Dr Paige
Leitman, Dylan Cole , Ed Kraft. Ekaterina Ryabko, Elizabeth Klitgaard, Emilie Gunderson,
Eric Schubert, Evan Jackson, Fabio Stibiel, Flo Velasquez, Frank Fujita. Fredrick Harvey.
Gabriel F. Machado, Gage. Gail D'Silva, Garrett Col6n, Cary West, Genesis E. Martinez
Gonzalez, Ginny Loveday, Gleb Masaltsev, Greg Parovichnikov, Greg Waters, Gregory
Smith, Grigory Parovichnikov. Guerson Cabrera. Helano Luciano, Hugo Mendieta, Ian
Hawthorne, Jackson Lucas. Jacob Charboneau, Jacob DelMauro, Jake Keifer, Jame "J.P."
Hunter, James Endicott, James Harrison, James Kirtley, James Sanford, James Schweiss,
)anaina Michelli, Jared Williams. Jason fransella, )awsh Murdock, Jay Anderson, Jeanette
Detwiler, Jenna Schmitt, Jeramie Cooper, Jeremey Arnold, Jeremiah Jaggers, Jeremy
Hochhalter, Jesse Davidson. Jessica Coif, )ia )ian Tin, Jim Berrier, Jim McKay, )) Tin, )oao
Eduardo Dantas, JoDee Murch, Joe Alfano, )oe Boerjes. foe Irizarry, )oe Kelly, Joe Louie,
Joe Maranda, Joe Mooney, )oe Reilly. Joel Thompson, Johanna Murch, John Montgomery,
john Wilcox, Jonathan Duhrkoop, Jonathan Reitz, Jordan Brass, Joshua Hart, Julie
Wright, Justin Faris, Justin Michelli, Justin Turner, Kai'Tauri Johnson, Karen Eastman,
Karl Resch, Katherine Arnold, Ken Beckman, Kenny Morris, Kerry Kaszak, Kevin Grigsby,
Kevin Moore, Krupal Desai. Kurt Waldkirch, Kyle Garms, Kyle Turner. Laura Thompson,
Laura Wiley, Lauren Smith, LeShaun Bessant Jr, Linda Pajaujis, Lou Michelli, Louis
Gentile, luca "Jace .. Andreolli, lociano Michelli, Ly·za Sryandinskaya, Mara Kovacevic,
Marc Soucy, Marcello De Velazquez, Mark A. Miller, Mark Denholm, Mark Detwiler,
Mark Price, Matt Eastman, Matt Maranda. Matt Vincent, Matteo "Seri ale .. La Rosa,
Matthew Pennington, Matthew Roderick, Matthew Roman, Meghan Henderson, Melanie
Chandler, Melissa Schubert, Michael Lydon, Michael Thomas. Mike Secker. Mike Hicks.
Miranda McFadden, Nel Pulmanco. Nick Graves, Nicole Maselli, Nikolay Sinushkin,
Paige Miller, Patrick Beach, Paul Thomas, Peter Hopkins. Phil Davidson, Philip Koop.
Poly Hubbard, Preston Chandler, Randall L. Shepherd, Richard Marino, Robert Alaniz,
Robert Allison. Ron "Laronn .. Franke, Ryan Conklin, Sam Jackson. Sam Robettson,
Sarnh M inkiewicz.Breunig, Scott Chipman, Scott Smith. Sean Hemmingway, Sean
Payne, Shawn Bergseng, Sofia-Melissa But, Stephanie )awitz, Stephen Lindberg, Sterling
Hershey, Stuart Tindall, Tarin .. Spacecase" He"on, Taytor Fisher. Teos Abadia, Terese
Nelson, Thomas Kocanjer, Tom Duchaine, Tori Galiel, Travis Fuller. Tristan Andrews,
Troy Sandlin, Vanessa F. Pinheiro. Victor B. Pimentel, Von Bringhurst, Walter Nau, Wes
Farnsworth, Will DeSain, Willi Burger, Yorcho Diaz, Yosefat Nava, Zachary Pickell

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Magic: The Gathering. Magic. Wizards of the Coast, <he dragon ampersand , Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Moster'< Cuidt, Cuildma"
rers' Cvide ro Rovnico. guild names and symbols, the planeswalker symbol, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United
States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the exptess written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

Printed in the USA. © 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707 , Renton, WA 98037-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile·Boechat 31 , 2800 Delemont, CH. Represented
by Hasbro Europe 4 The Square Stockley Park lJxbridge Mjddfesgx UBJJ JET UK

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