Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

for weeks or months at a time, the legion is in a height-
ened state of vigilance. In this time of uncertainty, the
Boros are on constant alert for military threats. They
work to maintain their fortifications to ensure that they
aren't overrun by Gruul marauders. Construction pro-
ceeds on new strongholds near Gruul territories, but in
general the Boros prepare for a military threat the same
way they always have- by fielding the stronger army.
The angels are also bracing for a subtler threat: the
danger of infiltration by House Dimir. The Boros are
becoming increasingly aware of the possibility that their
guild could be undermined from within. Security at
garrison buildings is vigilant, with angels watching the
entrances at all times for spies.

Boros Characters

Alignment: Usually good, often lawful
Suggest ed Races: Human, goblin, minotaur
Suggest ed Classes: Cleric, fighter, paladin,
ranger, wizard

Cons ider the Boros Legion for your character if one or
more of the following sentences ring true:

You are drawn to the ideal of the knight in
shining armor.
You like playing clerics, paladins, or
disciplined fighters.

  • Smiting foes with holy radiance fills you with
    righteous joy.
    You want to protect the innocent and fight for justice.


As a new recruit to the Boros L egion, you were sent to
the prestigious Horizon Military Academy for training.
Your life ther e was tempered in the forge of B oros dis-
cipline, devotion, and zeal. Your training regimen was
deliberately harsh, to weed out the uncommitted. You
lasted to the end. and now you begin your adventuring
career ready to put everything you have learned to use
in the legion's service. Depending on whether you fo.
cused on martial training, studied magic, or pursued
both courses, your path will look somewhat different.

The bulk of th e Boros Legion consists of human, mi-
notaur, and goblin soldiers. If you ar e a fighter, ranger,
or even a barbarian, you'll fit right in among the ranks,
with a promising career path ahead of you- promo-
t ion through the ranks, with opportunities for special
Another option i s to join the swiftblades, the vanguard
of the Boros Legion. They specialize in assault and
occupation, and their squads often function as com-
mandos or guerrillas. They pick off enemy archers and
mages, softening the enemy's front lines before t he rest
of the legion marches in.
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