Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Rakdos Guild Spells

Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature
For you, the spells on the Rakdos Guild Spells table are
added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. ( If you
are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these
spells are added to all of them.)

Spell Level Spells
Cantrip fire bolt, vicious mockery
1st burning hands, dissonant whispers,
hellish rebuke
2nd crown of madness, enthral/, flaming sphere
3rd fear, haste
4th confusion, wall of fire
5th dominate person

Your magic often produces a flashy spectacle, wreath-
ing you or your targets in a mixture of harm less fla me
and shadowy shapes. When you manipu late an oppo-
nent's mind, a flaming symbol of Rakdos m ight momen-
tarily appear like a mask over the target's face.

Members of demonic cults aren't generally known as the
kindest or most mentally stable individuals, so you're
likely to have something in your nature that distin-
gu ishes you from the law-abiding citizens of Ravn ica.

d8 Personality Trait
I revel in mayhem, the more destructive the better.
2 When violence breaks out, I lose myself in rage, and
it's sometimes hard to stop.
3 Everything is funny to me, and the most hilarious and
bloodiest t hings leave me cackling with sadistic glee.
4 I derive genuine pleasure from the pain of ot hers.

d8 Personality Trait
5 I enjoy testing other people's patience.
6 I can't stand it when things are predictable, so I like
to add a little chaos to every situation.
7 I throw my weight around to make sure I get my way.
8 I enjoy breaking delicate works of art. And fingers,
which are sort of the same.

d6 Ideal
1 Guild. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)
2 Hedonism. Death comes for everyone, so take as
much pleasure as you can from every moment of life.
3 Creativity. I strive to find more ways to express my art

through pain-my own as well as others'. (Chaotic)

4 Freedom. No one tells me what to do. (Chaotic)
S Equality. I want to see Ravnica re made, with no guilds
and no hierarchies. (Chaot ic)
6 Spectacle. People are inspired by the greatne ss t hey
see in art. (Any)

d6 Bond
I have belonged to the same performance troupe for
years, and these people mean everything to me.
2 A blood witch told me I have a special destiny to ful-
fill, and I'm trying to figure out what it is.
3 I'm secretly hoping that I can change the cult from
the inside, using my influence to help rein in the
wanton violence.
4 I own something that Rakdos once touched (it's
seared black at the spot), and I cherish it.
S I want to be better at my chose n form of performance
than any other member of my t roupe.
6 I am devoted to Rakdos and live to impress him.
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