Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


dlO Contact
My older sibling is upset that I didn't follow them into
the Azorius.
2 A Boros sergeant is always asking questions about my
work, but I suspect they're genuinely curious.
3 A friend in my clade thinks I don't know they're a
Dimir agent.
4 I helped a Golgari spore druid with the fertilization
and growth of their fungus field.
5 I can't fathom what could have made my childhood
friend run off and join the Gruul.
6 I love comparing notes with my friend in the lzzet,
though our fields of research are very different.
7 I borrowed a lot of money from an Orzhov syndic to
help finance my research.
8 A Rakdos ringmaster has taken an interest in my
research which, come to think of it, might make a nice
sideshow act.
9 I left the Selesnya-and a lover-behind when I
joined the Simic.
10 Roll an additional Simic contact; you can decide if the
contact is an ally or a rival.

How Do I FIT IN?

As a Simic adventurer, your mission likely aligns with
the Adaptationist philosophy; the disagreements and
tensions among the guilds will soon erupt into open
conflict, and your guild needs your help to ensure that
the Simic survive. That help might come in the form of
defending against Golgari incursions into Simic zonots
or s hielding S imic research from Azorius intrusion. It
could also involve more subtle, diplomatic work to main-
tain balance among the guilds, or subterfuge aimed at
undermining another guild's grab for power.
Self-improvement is also a n important part of your
mission. Anything you can do to make yourself more
capable-whether learning a new s pell or adopting a
new hybridizing mutation- gives the Simic a stronger
weapon in its arsenal. The combine must change to

survive, and that means individual members of the guild
must grow and adapt as well.

An adventuring party drawn from the ranks of the Simic
is typically formed around the nucleus of one or two
mages, perhaps a biomancer (wizard) or a terraformer
(druid). They might be accompanied by a soldier (proba-
bly a S imic hybrid fighter) and a deepsage (monk).


Tiers of respons ibility and importance-functional
ranks- create a hierarchy among the scientists of the
Simic Combine. A scientist's course of advancement is
the path of increasing responsibility within a clade or
project. Guardians and deepsages have more limited op-
portunities for advancement, though they still gain the
benefits of high renown scores.

Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the Simic Combine,
Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature
As a technician, you can begin performing experiments,
following the instructions of a researcher as you operate
instruments, care for experimental subjects, extract
samples of bodily fluids, and run errands up and down
the zonot and out into the city. Such errands can bring
you into contact with members of other guilds and lead
to adventures.
1 f you have any kind of pet, familiar, mount, or animal
companion, you can add one random adaptation to it
from the Minor Adaptations table (see the krasis section
in chapter 6). Doing so requires ld6 days of work (8
hours per day) for each creature, and the work must be
done in a Simic facility.

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