Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1
They forge the locks that secure royal jewels. And I learned to
pick those locks when I was barely out of the crib.
-Cutter, burglar and Kundarak excoriate

The Mark of Warding helps its bearers protect things of
value. Using the mark, a dwarf can weave wards with
mystic force. It also provides its bearer with an intuitive
understanding of locks used to protect and seal.

Leader: Morrikan d'Kundarak
Headquarters: Korunda Gate (Mror Holds)
If you want to keep something safe-jewels, secrets,
prisoners-Kundarak is there to help. The Defenders
Guild of House Kundarak trains locksmiths, secu-
rity specialists, and more. It maintains the prison of
Dreadhold, along with a number of smaller prisons. As
useful as these services are, it's the Banking Guild that
truly defines the house. Kundarak's lands in the Mror
Holds include deep veins of precious metals, which
the dwarves used to establish the banking industry of
Khorvaire. Anyone who makes a living from coin-from
bankers to goldsmiths-likely learned their skills at
House Kundarak. The security of banks bearing the
Kundarak manticore emblem is legendary. The house
also provides a special service to those who can afford
it: a system of extradimensional vaults, allowing a client
to store their goods in one location and retrieve them at
any other Kundarak enclave.
House Kundarak has a close alliance with House
Sivis. Like the House of Scribing, Kundarak has worked
to earn the trust of its clients and to establish a reputa­
tion for unshakable integrity. The house has no love of
renegade dwarves using their marks to turn a profit, and
such rogues strive to avoid the eye of Kundarak.
As the dwarves of the Mror Holds have come into
increasing conflict with the daelkyr, Lord Morrikan
d'Kundarak has instructed house heirs to establish con­
nections with the Gatekeeper druids. The druids have
much in common with the house, being the creators of
the wards that protect Eberron from the daelkyr.

If you're a dwarf with the Mark of Warding, you have
this subrace, with the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score in­
creases by 1.


Warder's Intuition. When you make an Intelligence
(Investigation) check or an ability check using thieves'
tools, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the
ability check.
Wards and Seals. You can cast the alarm and mage
armor spells with this trait. Starting at 3rd level, you can
also cast the arcane lock spell with it. Once you cast any
of these spells with this trait, you can't cast that spell
with it again until you finish a long rest. Intelligence is
your spellcasting ability for these spells, and you don't
need material components for them when you cast them
with this trait.
Spells of the Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or
the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of
Warding Spells table are added to the spell list of your
spellcasting class.

Mark of Warding 51 Menthis Plateau

Spell Level Spells
1st alarm, armor of Agathys
2nd arcane lock, knock
3rd glyph of warding, magic circle
4th Leomund's secret chest,
Mordenkainen's fa ithfu l hound
5th antilife shell

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