Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Joyce) #1
d8 Contact
A condescending career desk agent who views you as
expendable tools
2 A bitter former field agent, now confined to a field of­
fice, who envies your work
3 A kindly bureau chief who views you as a truly special
team with invaluable skills
4 A crotchety middle-manager on the cusp of retirement
who constantly bemoans the state of today's agents
compared to those in the "good old days"
5 A hotheaded former soldier who would prefer a return
to open warfare instead of this so-called "Shadow
6 A battle-scarred field agent who would do almost any­
thing to prevent a return to the horrors of the Last War
7 A bored but effective manager who refuses to be im­
pressed by anything you do or shocked by anything
that happens to you
8 A mysterious voice on the other end of a speaking stone

Every nation has some form of espionage agency, and
two of the dragonmarked houses (House Phiarlan and
House Thuranni) include specialized espionage forces
as part of their businesses. Besides the King's Dark
Lanterns, some of Khorvaire's more prominent espio­
nage agencies include the fo llowing groups:

Argentum. The Argentum is a ministry within the
Church of the Silver Flame. Originally dedicated to
the acquisition, study, and redistribution of magic
items and artifacts, it was repurposed during the Last
War to serve as Thrane's espionage agency.
Royal Eyes. Aundair is renowned for its wizards, and
the Royal Eyes of Aundair excel at spellcraft and div­
ination-almost every agent of the Royal Eyes has an
arcane advantage. Agents spy on other nations, pursue
notorious criminals, and engage in a host of other
wand-and-dagger missions for the crown.
Serpentine Table. The Serpentine Table is the espio­
nage arm of House Phiarlan. Few people outside the
house even know of its existence, and hardly any of its
lower-level operatives realize the full implication of
their service. They simply collect and pass along infor­
mation, never knowing how it is used.
The Trust. Zilargo's secret police, the Trust maintains
order in the service of the Triumvirate. This web of
spies and ruthless assassins are known for their op­
erations in Zilargo, but few realize that the Trust is
also active in nations across Khorvaire. The gnomes
believe knowledge is the greatest weapon of all, and
Trust agents endlessly search for secrets that could
prove useful to their nation.

Head of State

Yo ur group serves a national ruler. Yo u're not simply
a member of a military organization or an espionage
agency (both of which are different patrons described in
this section); you have the ear of a sovereign and you are
expected to help them attain their goals at all costs.

The disaster of the Mourning wiped out much of the
population of Cyre, but those living near the western
border had time to cross into the Brelish countryside
ahead of the strange wall of gray mist that now shrouds
the Mournland. King Boranel of Breland took pity on the
refugees and established camps for them, camps which
have now grown into the town of New Cyre.
The mayor of New Cyre is Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn,
the last son of Cyre's ruling family. He was serving as an
ambassador to Breland at the time of the Mourning, and
Cyran refugees across Khorvaire now look to him for
leadership as a sort of king in exile. He hopes to one day
gather all of Cyre's displaced children to a rebuilt Cyre.
Prince Oargev is obsessed with the Mourning. He is
desperate to discover the truth behind the destruction of
his country. He regularly seeks information from those
who venture into the Mournland, and he funds expedi­
tions into the remains of his once-proud nation, hoping
to discover some clue as to the cause of Cyre's demise.
Allies. Prince Oargev has a gift for diplomacy (and a
number of talented ambassadors in his employ), which
has enabled a widespread campaign of outreach to
Cyran refugees across Khorvaire. He has a great deal
of popular sympathy, as well as allies in every nation,
including the following groups and individuals:
King Boranel. The ruler of Breland did a great kind­
ness to the people of Cyre by establishing the refugee
camps that have grown into New Cyre. Oargev has not
fo rgotten that kindness, and he would prefer not to
jeopardize his friendship with Boranel by seizing land
from Breland. However, rumors persist that Oargev
plans to secede, and the King's Dark Lanterns fre­
quently send agents into New Cyre to keep an eye on
anti-Brelish sentiment. Oargev wisely views Boranel
as an ally, but knows Breland could be a threat.
Q'barra. Aside from New Cyre, the largest population of
Cyran refugees resides in Q'barra. Oargev has invited
these displaced Cyrans to join him in New Cyre, but
most of them have started putting down new roots in
the jungle land. If Cyre could be reclaimed from the
Mournland, many of them would probably return; in
the meantime, they are a friendly force in the east,
willing to offer shelter and aid to agents of Prince
Oargev who find themselves among the settlements
of Q'barra.
Refugees. Cyrans live across Khorvaire in the wake of
the Last War. Oargev does significant work in reach­
ing out to his displaced subjects, and the majority of
them sympathize with his goals and aid his agents.

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