190 3 Real Analysis
choice (Zorn’s lemma) implies the existence of a basis for this vector space. If(ei)i∈Iis
this basis, then any real numberxcan be expressed uniquely as
x=r 1 ei 1 +r 2 ei 2 +···+rnein,
wherer 1 ,r 2 ,...,rnare nonzero rational numbers. To obtain a solution to Cauchy’s
equation, make any choice forf(ei),i∈I, and then extendfto all reals in such a
way that it is linear over the rationals. Most of these functions are discontinuous. As an
example, for a basis that contains the real number 1, setf( 1 )=1 andf(ei)=0 for all
other basis elements. Then this function is not continuous.
The problems below are all about Cauchy’s equation for continuous functions.
545.Letf:R→Rbe a continuous nonzero function, satisfying the equation
f(x+y)=f(x)f(y), for allx, y∈R.
Prove that there existsc>0 such thatf(x)=cxfor allx∈R.
546.Find all continuous functionsf:R→Rsatisfying
f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)+f(x)f(y), for allx, y∈R.
547.Determine all continuous functionsf:R→Rsatisfying
1 +f(x)f(y)
, for allx, y∈R.
548.Find all continuous functionsf:R→Rsatisfying the condition
f(xy)=xf (y)+yf (x), for allx, y∈R.
549.Find the continuous functionsφ,f,g,h:R→Rsatisfying
for all real numbersx, y, z.
550.Given a positive integern≥2, find the continuous functionsf:R→R, with the
property that for any real numbersx 1 ,x 2 ,...,xn,
+(− 1 )n−^1 f(x 1 +x 2 +···+xn)= 0.