238 4 Geometry and Trigonometry
673.For positive integersndefineF (n)=xnsin(nA)+ynsin(nB)+znsin(nC), where
x, y, z, A, B, Care real numbers andA+B+C=kπfor some integerk. Prove
that ifF( 1 )=F( 2 )=0, thenF (n)=0 for all positive integersn.
674.The continuous real-valued functionφ(t)is defined fort ≥0 and is absolutely
integrable on every bounded interval. Define
e−(t+iφ(t))dt and Q=
e−^2 (t+iφ(t))dt.
Prove that
| 4 P^2 − 2 Q|≤ 3 ,
with equality if and only ifφ(t)is constant.
4.2.3 Trigonometric Substitutions................................
The fact that the circlex^2 +y^2 =1 can be parametrized by trigonometric functions
asx =costandy =sintgives rise to the standard substitutionx=acost(orx=
asint) in expressions of the form
a^2 −x^2. Our purpose is to emphasize less standard
substitutions, usually suggested by the similarity between an algebraic expression and
a trigonometric formula. Such is the case with the following problem from the 61st
W.L. Putnam Mathematical Competition, 2000.
Example.Letf:[− 1 , 1 ]→Rbe a continuous function such thatf( 2 x^2 − 1 )= 2 xf (x)
for allx∈[− 1 , 1 ]. Show thatfis identically equal to zero.
Solution.Here the expression 2x^2 −1 should remind us of the trigonometric formula
2 cos^2 t− 1 =cos 2t, suggesting the substitutionx=cost,t∈[ 0 ,π]. The functional
equation from the statement becomesf(cos 2t)=2 costf (cost).
First, note that settingx=0 andx=1, we obtainf( 1 )=f(− 1 )=0. Now let us
defineg:R→R,g(t)=f(sincostt). Then for anytnot a multiple ofπ,
g( 2 t)=
f(2 cos^2 t− 1 )
sin( 2 t)
2 costf (cost)
2 sintcost
Also,g(t+ 2 π)=g(t). In particular, for any integersnandk,
1 +
2 k
=g( 2 k+^1 + 2 nπ )=g( 2 k+^1 )=g( 1 ).
Becausefis continuous,gis continuous everywhere except at multiples ofπ. The set
{ 1 +nπ 2 k |n, k∈Z}is dense on the real axis, and sogmust be constant on its domain.