Dictionary of Flowers And Plants For Gardening

(Barré) #1

rock-work plant. It may be increased by transplanting, at the end of
April, the rooted stems which run under the surface of the ground.

Meconopsis Cambrica(Welsh Poppy).--An ornamental hardy perennial,
often found on English rocks. It may be grown in any light, rich soil,
is easily raised from seed, and blooms in June. Height, 1-1/2 ft.

Medlars.--These trees will grow on any well-drained soil. The Dutch
Medlar is most prized, as it bears the largest fruit. It is raised
from seed, and usually trained to a standard form. The Nottingham and
Royal are also excellent varieties. Any special variety may be grafted
on to the seedlings. On deep soils it is best grafted on the Pear
stock; on light, sandy soil it may be grafted on the White Thorn. No
pruning is required, beyond cutting away cross-growing branches.

Megasea.--This hardy herbaceous plant flowers from April to June.
A light, sandy soil suits it best. It may be grown from seed or
multiplied by division. Height, 1 ft.

Melissa Officinalis.--A hardy perennial, flowering in July. Any soil
suits it. It is increased by division of the root. Height, 1 ft.

Melittis Melissophyllum (Large-flowered Bastard Balm).--This
handsome perennial is not often seen, but it deserves to be more
generally grown, especially as it will thrive in almost any soil;
but to grow it to perfection, it should be planted in rich loam. It
flowers from June to August, and may be increased by division of the
roots any time after the latter month. Height, 11/2 ft.

Melon.--Sow from January to June in pots plunged in a hotbed, the
temperature of which should not be under 80 degrees. When the plants
have made four or five leaves, set them out in a house or hotbed
having a temperature ranging from 75 to 85 degrees. Keep the plants
well thinned and water carefully, as they are liable to damp off at
the collar if they have too much wet. Do not allow them to ramble
after the fruit has begun to swell, nor allow the plants to bear more
than two, or at most three, melons each. They require a strong,
fibry, loamy soil, with a little rotten manure worked in. The Hero of
Lockinge is a grand white-fleshed variety, and Blenheim Orange is a
handsome scarlet-fleshed sort.

Menispermum Canadense (Moon seed).--A pretty slender-branched,
hardy, climbing, deciduous shrub, with yellow flowers in June,
followed with black berries. It grows in any soil, and can be
propagated by seed, by division of roots, or by planting cuttings in
spring in a sheltered spot. Height, 10 ft.

Mentha Rotundifloria Variegata (Variegated Mint).--A hardy
perennial, which may be grown in any soil, and is easily increased by
dividing the roots. It flowers in July. Height, 2 ft.

Menyanthes.--Treat as other hardy aquatics.

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