deeply. The crust of the soil should be level with the collar of the
plant. If the pots are put into a frame the plants will require very
little water during winter, but as much air should be given as is
possible. In March re-pot them, using 8-1/2-in. pots.
Platycodon (Japanese Balloon Flower).--Hardy and elegant herbaceous
plants, requiring a sandy soil. They may be raised either from seeds
or from cuttings of the young growth; they flower in July. Height, 1
Platystemon Californicus.--Pretty hardy annuals which thrive in a
sandy soil. They are easily raised from seed sown in March or April,
and bring forth their flowers in August. Height, 1 ft.
Pleroma Elegans.--A beautiful evergreen shrub for a greenhouse. Pot in
equal parts of loam, peat, and sand. It flowers in July. Cuttings may
be struck in peat in a rather warm temperature. Height, 4 ft.
Plumbago.--These pretty evergreens will grow in any soil, and can be
propagated in September by cuttings of half-ripened wood having
a heal, planted in a sandy soil, and kept near the glass in a
greenhouse. They flower in June. Height, 3 ft. P. Occidentalis is
a charming greenhouse climber. P. Capensis Alba is a greenhouse
evergreen shrub, flowering in November, and growing to a height of 2
ft. P. Larpentae is good for a sunny border, in light soil: it bears
terminal clusters of rich violet-purple flowers in September. Height,
1 ft. Plumbagoes require very little attention in winter.
Plums.--Almost any soil will grow this useful fruit. Young trees may
be planted at any time, when the ground is friable, from November to
March, but the earlier it is done the better. The situation should be
somewhat sheltered. In exposed positions protection may be afforded
by a row of damson trees. Many varieties are suitable for growing on
walls or sheds, where they are trained into fans, as cordons, and
other decorative designs; but it must not be overlooked that until the
trees are well established a great deal of fruit is necessarily lost
by the severe pruning and disbudding which is required to bring the
tree into shape. A pyramid-shaped tree is useful, and is easily
grown by training one straight, central shoot, which must be stopped
occasionally so that fresh side branches may be thrown out, which of
course must be kept at the desired length. A bush tree about 7 ft. in
height is undoubtedly the best form of growth, and needs but a minimum
amount of attention. In pruning wall trees the main object is to get
the side-shoots equally balanced, and to prevent the growth advancing
in the centre. The bush form merely require the removal of any dead
wood and of cross-growing branches. This should be done late in the
summer or in the autumn. The trees are frequently attacked by a small
moth, known as the Plum Fortrix, which eats its way into the fruit
and causes it to fall. In this case the fallen unripe fruit should be
gathered up and burned, and the trees washed in winter with caustic
potash and soda. For growing on walls the following kinds may be
recommended: Diamond, White Magnum Bonum, Pond's Seedling, and