Anthericum Liliago (St. Bernard's Lily).--One of the finest of hardy
plants, and easy to grow. Planted in deep, free, sandy soil, it will
grow vigorously, and in early summer throw up spikes of snowy-white,
lily-like blossoms from 2 to 3 feet in height. It may be divided every
three or four years, but should not be disturbed oftener. Mulching in
early springtime is advantageous.
Anthericum Liliastrum (St. Bruno's Lily).--This hardy perennial is a
profuse bloomer, throwing up spikes of starry white flowers from May
to July. Treat in the same manner as the foregoing. Height, 2 ft.
Anthoxanthum Gracila.--Sweet vernal grass. It is graceful and
ornamental, and is used for edgings. Sow in spring, keeping the seed
moist until it germinates. Height, 6 in.
Anthyllis Montana.--A fine hardy perennial for rock-work. It is of a
procumbent habit, and has a woody nature. A vegetable soil is best
suited for its growth, and its roots should be in contact with large
stones. It may be increased by cuttings taken in spring and planted in
the shade in leaf-mould. It flowers at midsummer. Height, 6 in.
Antirrhinum (Snapdragon).--Handsome hardy perennials; most effective
in beds or borders. They stand remarkably well both drought and
excessive rainfall, and succeed in any common soil. Seeds sown early
in spring produce flowers the same year. For spring bedding, sow in
July; keep the young plants in a cold frame, and plant out in March or
April. Choice sorts may be plentifully increased by cuttings taken in
July or August. Flower from July to September. Height, 1-1/2 ft. to 2
Ants in Gardens.--Contrary to general belief, ants do more good
than harm to a garden; but as they are unsightly on flowers, it is
advisable to tie a little wool round the stems of standard roses and
other things upon which they congregate. They will not crawl over the
wool. A little sulphur sprinkled over a plant will keep them from it;
while wall-fruit, etc., may be kept free from them by surrounding it
with a broad band of chalk. Should they become troublesome on account
of their numbers a strong decoction of elder leaves poured into the
nest will destroy them; or a more expeditious method of getting rid of
them is to put gunpowder in their nests and fire it with a piece of
touch-paper tied on to a long stick.
Aotus Gracillima.--A charming and graceful evergreen shrub, whose
slender branches are covered with small pea-like flowers in May. It is
most suitable for the greenhouse, and delights in a soil of loamy peat
and sand. Cuttings of half-ripened wood planted under glass will take
root. Height, 3 ft.
Aphides, or plant-lice, make their presence known by the plant
assuming an unhealthy appearance, the leaves curling up, etc.
Frequently swarms of ants (which feed upon the aphides) are found
beneath the plants attacked. Syringe the plant all over repeatedly
with gas-tar water, or with tobacco or lime-water. The lady-bird is