Sweet Rocket.--See "Rocket."
Sweet Scabious.--See "Scabious."
Sweet Sultan.--Sweet-scented, Thistle-shaped hardy annual flowers,
which are very useful for cutting. They may be raised in any garden
soil from seed sown in March or April, and will flower in August.
Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Sweet William.--Well-known hardy perennials, and deservedly favourite
border plants, which may be grown in any good soil; but to have them
to perfection they should be placed in light, loamy ground mixed with
a little old manure and sand. They can be raised with little trouble
from seed sown thinly at any time between March and midsummer where
they are to bloom, and may also be increased by dividing the old
plants in spring. They produce their flowers in July. Height, 1-1/2
Symphoricarpus (Snowberry).--A handsome species of St. Peter's Wort.
The shrubs will grow in any ordinary soil, are hardy, and readily
propagated by suckers, which are produced abundantly; or cuttings may
be taken either in spring or autumn. They bloom in August. Height, 4
Symphytum Caucasicum.--Hardy perennials. They will grow in any soil
or situation, even thriving under the shade of trees, and may be
increased by division. June is the month in which they flower. Height,
3 ft.
Syringa (Lilac.)--There are many choice varieties of these favourite
shrubs, but any of them may be grown in a tolerably good soil. They
are propagated by layers or by suckers from the root. They bloom in
May or June. Height varies from 4 ft. to 12 ft.
Tacsonia.--A beautiful twining shrub belonging to the Passiflora
family. It should be provided with a rich soil, and, as the flowers
are produced upon the lateral shoots, it requires frequent stopping.
Syringe frequently in warm weather to induce a quick growth. It is
a quick grower, and, when properly treated, a profuse bloomer, the
flowers being produced in July, August, and September. Cuttings of
young shoots placed under glass in a sandy soil will strike. Height,
20 ft.
Tagetes (French and African Marigolds).--Half-hardy annuals, very
elegant when in flower, and deserve a place in the garden. The seed
should be sown on a hotbed in March or April, the plants gradually
hardened off, and placed in the open at the end of May in a rich,
light soil, when they will flower in August. Height, 1 ft. to 2-1/2