exhausted wood may be cut away in April, but the knife must be used
sparingly. The branches should be trained to a distance of 10 in.
apart, and the fruit-bearing shoots may be pinched back with the thumb
and finger at the end of August. The fruit is borne on the previous
year's growth. They may be increased by layers, by suckers, or by
cuttings of the young wood placed in sand and plunged in a bottom-heat
under glass. Brown Turkey, Black Ischia, Yellow Ischia, White
Marseilles, Brunswick, and St John's are all good varieties for
open-air cultivation, or for growing in houses.
When grown under glass, Figs may be trained on trellises near the roof
of the house, or may be planted in tubs or pots, not allowing too much
root-room. At starting the temperature in the day should be about 60
degrees, and at night 55 degrees. More heat can be given as the plants
advance, keeping up a moist atmosphere, but taking care not to give
too much water to the roots. By pinching off the points of the shoots
when they have made five or six leaves a second crop of fruit will
be obtained. Use the knife upon them as little as possible. When the
fruit begins to ripen admit air, and as soon as it is gathered give
liquid manure to the roots every other day to encourage a second crop.
When the plants are at rest they need hardly any water.
Filberts and Cob Nuts.--These Nuts will succeed on any soil that is
not cold or wet. The bushes should be planted in October, when the
leaves have nearly all fallen. Make the soil firm about the roots and
give a mulching of stable manure. At the beginning of April the old
and exhausted wood may be cut away, as well as any branches that
obstruct light and air. Encourage well-balanced heads to the bushes
by cutting back any branch that grows too vigorously, and remove all
suckers as they make an appearance, except they are required for
transplanting. The crop is produced on the small wood. The best method
of propagation is by layers in November or any time before the buds
swell in spring. The process is simple, it merely requiring a notch
to be made in a branch of two or three years' growth, which is then
pegged down 2 or 3 in. below the surface. The following autumn it may
be cut away from its parent, pruned, and planted. They may also be
grown from nuts sown in autumn and transplanted when two years old. In
Kent the bushes are kept low and wide-spreading, by which means the
harvest is more readily reaped. On a fairly good soil they should
stand from 10 to 14 ft. apart. Lambert's Filberts, Frizzled Filberts,
Purple Filberts are good varieties, the former two bearing abundantly.
Among the best of the Cobs may be mentioned the Great Cob and
Merveille de Bollwyller.
Fire Thorn.--See "Crataegus."
Flea Bane.--See "Inula" and "Stenactis."
Flower-Pots, Sizes of.--Various practices prevail at different
potteries, but the appended names and sizes are generally adopted. In
every case the inside measurement is taken.
Inches Inches