moist soil.
PHLEUM PRATENSE (Timothy, or Catstail).--Suitable for strong
soils; nutritious and hardy.
POA NEMORALIS (Wood Meadow Grass).--Good for poor soils.
POA PRATENSIS (Smooth-stalked Meadow Grass).--Grows well on light,
dry soil, and also in water-meadows.
POA TRIVIALIS (Rough-stalked Meadow Grass).--Fine for damp soil.
Grasses, Ornamental.--Fine for mixing in a green state with cut
flowers, or in a dried condition for the decoration of vases, winter
bouquets, etc. To have them in perfection gather them while quite
fresh, with the pollen on them. Cut with as long stems as possible,
arrange lightly in vases, and keep them in the dark till they are
dried and the stems become stiff. The Grasses may be divided into two
sections, viz., those for bouquets or edgings, and those grown in the
border or on lawns for specimen plants. The class is numerous, but
the following (which may be found described herein under alphabetical
classification) may be mentioned:--
For bouquets and edgings: Agrostis, Anthoxanthum, Avena, Briza, Coix
Lachryma, Eragrostis, Festuca, Hordeum Jubatum, Lagurus, and Stipa
Pennata. For specimen plants: Eulalia, Gynerium, Panicum, Phalaris,
and Zea.
Gratiola Officinalis.--This hardy herbaceous plant bears light blue
flowers in July. A rich, moist soil is its delight. It is propagated
by dividing the roots. Height, 1 ft.
Green Fly.--Fumigate the infected plants with tobacco, and afterwards
syringe them with clear water; or the plants may be washed with
tobacco water by means of a soft brush.
Grevillea.--Handsome greenhouse shrubs, which require a mould
of equal parts of peat, sand, and loam. Give plenty of water in
summer, a moderate amount at other seasons. Ripened cuttings may be
rooted in sand, under a glass. Young plants may also be obtained from
seed. They bloom in June. Their common height is from 3 to 4 ft.,
but G. Robusta attains a great height. Grevilleas will grow well in
windows facing south.
Griselinia Littoralis.--A dwarf-growing, light-coloured evergreen
shrub, which will thrive near the sea. It requires a light, dry soil,
and may be increased by cuttings.
Guelder Rose.--See "Viburnum."
Guernsey Lily (Nerine Sarniense).--Soil, strong, rich loam with
sand, well drained. Plant the bulbs deeply in a warm, sheltered