MEDICINAL PLANTS in Folk Tradition

(Darren Dugan) #1
  Daisies 281

Arctium lappa Linnaeus, greater
burdock (Fuchs 1543, fig. 40)

(Berwickshire,^4 Colonsay in the Inner Hebrides^5 ) together with the Isle of
Man,^6 a pattern suggestive of overspills from Ireland, where the use has been
markedly widespread (see below). Though it might be supposed that cleans-
ing the system has extended to treating rheumatic complaints, as has been the
case with some other herbs, the very different distribution of records for
those (Montgomeryshire,^7 Suffolk,^8 East Riding of Yorkshire^9 ) lends no sup-
port to such an assumption. Nor is there any apparent connection, similarly,

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