MEDICINAL PLANTS in Folk Tradition

(Darren Dugan) #1

and near-absence from the British ones leads one to suspect that, except in the
case of a veterinary use mentioned by John Parkinson in 1640,^437 it may have
been wholly borrowed from the learned tradition—and that despite the fact
that Dutch peasants are known to have taken a preparation of the plant as an
alterative and antiscorbutic,^438 and Belgian ones as a cure for jaundice.^439
John Lightfoot described it as a rough medicine sometimes favoured by ‘the
lower classes of people’ (for jaundice and dropsy)^440 but left it unclear
whether that statement was referring to Britain. More persuasively, a poultice
of the leaves saved from amputation the severely poisoned arm of a Cornish
fisherman in the 1930s, a remedy later copied with claimed success by a Mid-
dlesex acquaintance of his to extract pus from boils.^441 Because that was a
function of the plant popularised by the influential Dutch physician Her-
man Boerhaave, however, even in that case an element of doubt must attach
to the folk credentials of the remedy.


  Daisies 313

  1. IFC S 485: 191

  2. Deane & Shaw

  3. Collyns

  4. Johnston 1853, 129

  5. McNeill

  6. Moore 1898

  7. Davies1938, 167

  8. Jobson 1967, 57

  9. Vickery MSS

  10. Carmichael, ii, 349

  11. Johnston 1853, 129

  12. Quincy, 156

  13. Moore 1898

  14. Quelch, 50

  15. Johnson 1862

  16. IFC S 710: 43

  17. McClafferty

  18. IFC S 657: 248

  19. McGlinchey, 86

  20. IFC S 157: 463

  21. Wilde, 34

  22. Moloney

  23. IFC S 657: 216

  24. IFC S 710: 49

  25. IFC S 1043: 265

  26. Moore MS

  27. IFC S 657: 248

  28. IFC S 524: 119

  29. IFC S 657: 248

  30. IFC S 132: 97; 137: 135

  31. Egan

  32. IFC S 657: 248

  33. IFC S 914: 555

  34. Maloney

  35. Ó hEithir MS

  36. IFC S 672: 205, 206, 210, 258, 259;
    673: 155

  37. Farrelly MS

  38. Maloney

  39. Vickery MSS

  40. IFC S 786: 116

  41. IFC S 483: 300

  42. IFC S 780: 243

  43. Beith

  44. A. Allen, 185

  45. Hatfield, 28

  46. Gerard, 166

  47. Hatfield, 27

  48. Egan

  49. Maloney

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