MEDICINAL PLANTS in Folk Tradition

(Darren Dugan) #1

Artemisia vulgaris,mugwort. Gangrene in horses (Donegal^19 ).
Berberis vulgaris,barberry. Jaundice in cattle (Ireland, unlocalised^20 ).
Bryonia dioica,white bryony (figure on page 113). Tonic for pigs (Fens of
East Anglia^21 ); to add gloss to horses’ coats (Oxfordshire,^22 Norfolk,^23
Lincolnshire^24 ).
Capsella bursa-pastoris(Linnaeus) Medikus, shepherd’s-purse. Cosmo-
politan weed. Diarrhoea in calves (Isle of Man^25 ).
Chelidonium majus,greater celandine (figure on page 79). Warts in cattle
(Ireland, unlocalised^26 ).
Cirsiumspp., thistles. To staunch bleeding in cattle or horses after lancing
(Limerick^27 ).
Cirsium vulgare,spear thistle. ‘Sick cattle’ (Wexford^28 ).
Conium maculatum,hemlock (Plate 18). Fluke (Louth^29 ); sheep scab (Kil-
dare, in a mixture^30 ); cuts (Tipperary^31 ), sore breasts (Kilkenny, com-
bined with Malva^32 ;Carlow^33 ), swollen feet (Mayo^34 ), farcy (London-
derry^35 )—all in horses; swellings in ‘animals’ (‘Ulster’^36 ). Some of these
may be Anthriscus sylvestris or even Heracleum sphondylium.
Conopodium majus,pignut. To lower urine flow in horses (Isle of Man^37 ).
Corylus avellana,hazel. Adder bites (Glamorgan, in a mixture^38 ).
Crataegus monogyna,hawthorn (Plate 13). Diarrhoea in bullocks
(Longford^39 ).
Cytisus scoparius,broom. Dropsy in sheep (Suffolk^40 ); worms or botts (five
Irish counties); gravel (Sligo^41 ) and broken wind (Co. Dublin^42 )
in horses; fits in dogs (Louth^43 ).
Daphne laureola,spurge-laurel. Purge for horses (Isle of Man^44 ); to add
gloss to horses’ coats (Hampshire^45 ).
Daucus carota,wild carrot. ‘Diseases in horses’ (Carlow^46 ).
Digitalis purpurea,foxglove (figure on page 255). Sheep scab (Berwick-
shire, in a mixture^47 ;Isle of Man^48 ); eczema in ‘livestock’ (Somerset^49 );
mange or fleas in dogs (Gloucestershire^50 ); strangles (Cumbria^51 );
red-water fever (Merionethshire, in a mixture^52 ).
Dryopteris filix-mas,male-fern (figure on page 63). Red-water fever
(Cavan,^53 Laois,^54 Tipperary^55 ); fluke (four Irish counties). ‘Fern’ for
white scour (Cavan^56 ) and kidney disease in horses (Limerick^57 ) may
be this or Pteridium aquilinum.
Euonymus europaeus,spindle. Fleas and lice in dogs (unlocalised^58 ).
Eupatorium cannabinum,hemp-agrimony. Cough in cattle ‘and other
beasts’ (England, unlocalised^59 ).

Appendix Veterinary Remedies 351
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