MEDICINAL PLANTS in Folk Tradition

(Darren Dugan) #1

Huperzia selago,fir clubmoss. Lice in cows and pigs (England, unlocal-
ised^101 ); perhaps also the unspecified clubmoss applied to ‘some cattle
diseases’ in Orkney.^102.
Hypericum elodes,marsh St John’s-wort. Diarrhoea in cows (Donegal^103 ).
Hypericum pulchrum,slender St John’s-wort. Red-water fever
(Donegal^104 ).
Inula helenium,elecampane (figure on page 292). Horse tonic (Isle of
Man^105 ); lameness in horses (Shropshire^106 ); hydrophobia (Glamor-
gan^107 ).
Iris pseudacorus,yellow iris. To increase flow of urine in a horse (Cardigan-
shire^108 ).
Juniperus communis,juniper (Plate 1). Botts and worms (‘Wales’ and
Cumbria,^109 Galloway^110 ); tonic for horses (Lincolnshire,^111 East
Anglia^112 ).
Lamium purpureum,red dead-nettle. Blackhead (Suffolk^113 ); gapes
(Norfolk, in a combination^114 ).
Lemnaspp., duckweed. Diarrhoea in ‘animals’ (Wicklow^115 ).
Ligusticum scoticum,lovage. Cough in sheep (Skye^116 ); purge for cattle
(Skye, sometimes with Sedum rosea^117 ;Eriskay in the Outer Hebrides^118 ).
Linaria vulgaris,common toadflax. ‘Drooping’ in birds (Sussex^119 ).
Linum catharticum,fairy flax. Purge for cows (Isle of Man^120 ).
Lonicera periclymenum,honeysuckle. Farcy (Tipperary,^121 Limerick^122 ).
Lotus corniculatus,common bird’s-foot-trefoil. Cut legs of horses
(Somerset^123 ).
Malva sylvestris,common mallow (figure on page 107). Sore, swollen or
‘flagged’udders of cows (Cavan,^124 Wicklow,^125 Limerick^126 ); cattle scabs
and sores in general (Wicklow^127 ); sprains in animals (Dorset,^128 Rad-
norshire^129 ); swelling under jaw in cattle at start of winter (Cork^130 ); to
prevent cattle disease (Devon^131 ); sore breast on a horse (Kilkenny, com-
bined with Conium maculatum^132 ). Records for ‘marsh-mallow’ assumed
to refer to this and not Althaea officinalis.
Menthaspp., ‘peppermint’. Fits in dogs and pigs (Leitrim^133 ).
Menyanthes trifoliata,bogbean (figure on page 202). Bovine tuberculosis
(Kent,^134 Orkney^135 ); purge for calves (South Uist in the Outer
Hebrides^136 ); settling stomach in calves (Fife^137 ); removing afterbirth
from cows (Leitrim^138 ); ‘pine’, i.e. trace-element deficiency (Doherty, 46)
in cattle and sheep (Mayo^139 ); cattle disease called ‘darn’ (Highlands^140 ).

Appendix Veterinary Remedies 353
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