MEDICINAL PLANTS in Folk Tradition

(Darren Dugan) #1

430 Index of Vernacular Names

sweet gale (Myrica gale), 86, 340, 354
tangle (Laminaria digitata, L. hyperborea),
tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), 223, 295, 357
wild (Potentilla anserina), 142–4, 145,
339, 342
tath lus (Anthriscus sylvestris), 182–3, 350,
351, 355
teaplant, Duke of Argyll’s (Lycium bar-
barum), 196
teasel, wild (Dipsacus fullonum), 275,
Plate 26
teasel family (Dipsacaceae), 275
thang-a-naun (Stellaria holostea), 92
thistle (see also sow-thistle)
blessed (Cnicus benedictus), 283; (Sily-
bum marianum), 282–3, 346, Plate 27
bracket (Cirsium spp.), 282, 283, 351
bull (Cirsium arvense), 282–3; (C. vul-
gare), 283, 351
carline (Carlina vulgaris), 280
creeping (Cirsium arvense), 282–3
crisp (Cirsium spp.), 282, 283, 351
holy (Cnicus benedictus), 283
lady’s (Silybum marianum), 282–3, 346,
Plate 27
milk (Silybum marianum), 282–3, 346,
Plate 27; (Sonchus asper), 285, 286;
(Sonchus oleraceus), 286–7
Scotch (Cirsium arvense), 282–3; (C.
vulgare), 283, 351
soft (white) (Sonchus spp.), 282, 285,
speckled (Silybum marianum), 282–3,
346, Plate 27
thistle family (Asteraceae), 280
thorn-apple (Datura stramonium), 199,
Plate 21
thrift (Armeria maritima), 100, 341
thrift family (Plumbaginaceae), 100
throatwort (Digitalis purpurea), 20,
254–7, 351
thunder-dock (Petasites hybridus), 97,
311, 312
thyme (Thymus spp.), 224, 357
timothy (Phleum pratense), 324
tinder fungus (Fomes fomentarius), 48–9
toadflax, common (Linaria vulgaris), 253,

toothwort (Lathraea squamaria), 262
tormentil (Potentilla erecta), 123, 126,
144, 145, 152, 354
tormenting root (Potentilla erecta), 123,
126, 144, 145, 152, 354
tormentor, the (Calystegia sepium), 200;
(Convolvulus arvensis), 200
touch-and-heal (Hypericum androsae-
mum), 103, 104
touchwood (Fomes fomentarius), 48–9;
(Phellinus igniarius), 49
tout-saine (Hypericum androsaemum),
103, 104
traveller’s joy (Potentilla anserina), 142–4,
145, 339, 342
treacle, English (Teucrium scordium), 218,
345, 357
trefoil, lesser (Tr ifolium dubium), 161
tun-hoof (Glechoma hederacea), 219–21,
339, 342, 352
tùrsairean (Stellaria holostea?), 92
tutsan (Hypericum androsaemum), 103,
twayblade, common (Listera ovata), 333
twitch (Elytrigia repens), 323, 324
vagabond’s friend (Polygonatum
×hybridum, P. multiflorum), 326–7
common (Valeriana officinalis), 274–5,
348, 358
garden (Valeriana pyrenaica), 274
marsh (Valeriana dioica), 274
valerian family (Valerianaceae), 274
verjuice (Malus spp.), 154
Ve r ona root (Iris ×germanica), 198
vervain (Verbena officinalis), 211, 215
vervain family (Verbenaceae), 211
vetch, kidney (Anthyllis vulneraria), 160,
vine, wild (Bryonia dioica), 113–14, 333,
bog (Pinguicula vulgaris), 111, 263, 354
dog- (Viola riviniana), 112
sweet (Viola odorata), 111, Plate 5
violet family (Violaceae), 111
viper’s-bugloss (Echium vulgare), 207
wall pepper (Sedum acre), 138–9, 344, 356
wall-rue (Asplenium ruta-muraria), 62
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