Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


in which
I Ky yIKyAAz

(^1) ee

∫∫(); 11 ();/d 11 y y /lnd
AAeZ′′^1 /( (^1) e) ;Z A e  2d D ; P e  2.3 log 30.2 d  d 65 ;
Z ′  v s ( bU *  ); ( X see Bed Load Formulae ).
The total sediment load per unit width in a stream q T is
q T  q TB q w , (31)
where q w  wash load (fines) which must be obtained inde-
pendently, e.g. by direct measurement. The Einstein method
requires a knowledge of: grain size distribution in the bed;
the grain density; the energy slope, S e ; and the water temper-
ature, in order to compute both bed material load and water
discharge for a given depth and width of flow.
Colby and Hembree 9,36 modified Einstein’s method in
order to compute total sediment load ( q T ). Their procedure
utilizes: the sampled suspended load Q s ; measured discharge;
measured depths and sampler depths, the extent of the sam-
pled zone; and all the data used by the Einstein procedure
except S e. Their main modifications are:

  1. The finer portion of the total suspended load, Q s ,
    is based on extrapolation of the actual sampled
    load Q′s (using Eqs. (25) and (26)).

  2. The coarser part of the total load (including the
    bed load) is computed from a simplified Einstein
    procedure (using a modification of Eq. (30)).

  3. Einstein’s grain shear velocity U′∗ is replaced
    by an equivalent shear velocity U m based on the
    Keulegan equations and the measured discharge.

  4. Einstein’s flow intensity function  (^) * , is replaced
    by the larger of
    C m  1.65 gd 35 ( U m )^2 or C m  0.66 gd ( U m )^2 (32)

  5. The modified term  m is used to enter Einstein’s
    Eq. (9) to obtain a bed transport function  ; the
    modified bed transport function is
      * 2. (33)
    The value of  m is used to compute the bed load associated
    with a size range d, i.e.
    i B q B ; 1200 d^3 ^2 i B  m lbsecft. (34)

  6. Using the computed bed load for a certain size
    range, i B Q B , the measured suspended load in the
    same size range, IsQ′s, and Einstein’s Eq. (30) one
    can obtain a value for Z ′ in Eq. (25) which should
    be better than a Z ′ based on an estimated v s.
    Bishop, Simons, and Richardson^6 simplified the Einstein
    procedure for determining total bed material load. They
    introduced a single sediment transport function  T which
    includes both suspended bed material and bed load. Their
    flow intensity term is

    (). 1 35 (35)
    The experimental relationship shown in Figure 11 were estab-
    lished for actual river sediments of various median sizes. Using
     T from Figure 11 the total bed material load per unit width, is
    qTB = Trs(gd)3/2(Ss–1)1/2. (36)
    The wash load must be added to q TB to obtain the total
    sediment load.
    Colby^37 analysed extension laboratory and field data to
    establish the empirical relationship, shown in Figure 12, for
    the determination of sand discharge. Figure 12 is valid for a
    water temperature of 60°F and a flow to moderate wash load
    (c^<10,000 ppm). Colby provides adjustment coefficients for
    water temperature and wash load. For example, at a flow
    depth of 10 feet a 20°F change in temperature would result
    in about 25% change in the sand discharge and an increase
    in the concentration of fines from 0 to 100,000 ppm could
    cause up to 10 fold increase in the sand load.
    The reader is referred to Graf,^16 Shen,^15 and Chang et al. ,^27
    for other contributions to the determination of total bed
    material load.
    The Annual Sediment Transport
    In general it is not practical to continuously sample the sedi-
    ment in a stream; instead, representative samples are taken
    for various flow conditions and a sediment load versus water
    discharge or sediment rating curve is established. A typical
    sediment rating curve is shown in Figure 13. A number of
    factors contribute to the scatter of data points in Figure 13.
    The sediment load is out of phase with the discharge hydro-
    graph as illustrated by Figure 14. The sediment load depends
    on the season of the year.
    Using the available stream flows and the sediment
    rating curve an average annual sediment transport can be
    Often the bed load is not included in the sediment rating
    curve; if this is the case, the bed load may be computed as
    discussed under Bed Load Formulae and added to the annual
    sediment transport.
    Lane’s Model
    Lane^39 proposed the relationship
    (sediment load)  (sediment size)  (stream slope) 
    (stream flow)
    ( Q s  d )  ( S  Q ) (37)
    to describe qualitatively to behavior of a stream carrying
    Lane used the following terms in referring to streams:
    (1) “grade  equilibrium or regime slope; (2) “aggrad-
    ing”  rising of the stream bed due to deposition;
    (3) “degrading”  losing of the stream bed due to scouring
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