Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


Part 2. Major Air Pollution Sources (continued)

Food and agricultural industry Nature of activity Type of air pollution problems
MEAT SMOKEHOUSES Smoking is a diffusion process in which food
products are exposed to atmosphere of
hardwood smoke, causing various organic
compounds to be absorbed by the food.

Emissions from smokehouses are generated from the
burning hardwood, and included particulates, carbon
monoxide, hydrocarbons (CH 4 ), aldehydes (HCH) and
organic acids (acetic).
NITRATE FERTILIZERS Nitrate fertilizers are the product of the
reaction of nitric acid and ammonia to form
ammonia nitrate solution or granules.

The main emissions from the manufacture of nitrate
fertilizers are the ammonia and nitric oxides lost in the
neutralization and drying operation.
PHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS Nearly all phosphate fertilizers are made from
naturally occurring phosphorous-containing
minerals such as phosphate rock. The
phosphorous content of these minerals is
not in a form that is readily available to
growing plants so that the minerals must be
treated to convert the phosphorous to a
plant-available form.

Emissions from manufacturing phosphate fertilizers
include vent gases containing particulates ammonia,
silicon tetrafluoride, carbon dioxide, steam and sulfur
oxides. The sulfur oxides emissions arise from the
reaction of phosphate rock and sulfuric acid.

STARCH MANUFACTURING Starch is obtained through the separation of
coarse starch in corn to a fine dry powder
form ready for marketing.

The manufacture of starch from corn can result in
significant dust emissions from cleaning, grinding, and
screening operations.
SUGAR CANE PROCESSING The processing of sugar cane starts with
harvesting crops, then through a series of
processes (washing, crushing, milling,
diffusing) into the final sugar product.

The largest sources of emissions from sugar cane
processing are the open burning in the harvesting of the
crop and the burning of bagasse as fuel. Emissions
include particulates, CO usually large, HC and nitrogen

Wood processing industry Nature of activity Type of air pollution problems

WOOD PULPING INDUSTRY Wood pulping involves the production of
cellulose from wood by dissolving the lignin
that binds the cellulose fiber together. The
three major chemical processes for pulp
production are the kraft or sulfate process,
the sulfite process and the neutral sulfite
semi chemical process.
The kraft process involves cooking wood chips
in sodium sulfide and sodium hydroxide to
dissolve the lignin. The excess pulp and
impurities are washed away and the
remaining clean pulp pressed and dried into
the finished product.

Particulate emissions from the kraft process occur
primarily from the recovery furnace, the lime kiln and
smelt dissolving tank. This characteristic kraft mill
odor is principally due to the presence of a variable
mixture of hydrogen sulfide and dimethyl disulfide.
Some sulfur dioxide emissions result from the
oxidation of the sulfur compounds. CO emissions may
occur from the recovery furnaces and klins.

PULPBOARD Pulpboard manufacturing includes the
manufacture of fibrous boards from a pulp
slurry. After the pulp is washed, it is entered
into a board machine and subsequently,
dried and ready for fabrication.

Emissions from the paper board machine consist of only
water vapor. Little or no particulates are emitted from
the dryers.

The metallurgical industries can be broadly divided into primary and secondary metal production operations. Primary metal industry includes the
production of the metal from ore; among these industries are the nonferrous operations involved in aluminum ore reduction, copper smelters, lead
smelters, zinc smelters, iron and steel mills, ferro alloys and metallurgical coke manufacture. The secondary metals industry includes the recovery of the
metal from scrap and salvage, the production of alloys from ingot, secondary aluminum operations, gray iron foundries, lead smelting, magnesium
smelting, steel foundries, and zinc processing.

Metals industry Nature of activity Type of air pollution problems
ALUMINUM ORE REDUCTION Bauxite, a hydrated oxide of aluminum
associated with silicon, titanium, and iron, is
the base ore for aluminum production. After
preliminary purification using the (Boyer)
process, the new oxide (Al 2 O 3 ) is reduced in
the Hall-Heroult process and pure aluminum
is produced. Four tons of bauxite are
required to make 1 ton of aluminum.

During the reduction process, the effluent released
contains fluorides particulate and gaseous hydrogen
fluoride. Particulate matter such as aluminum and
carbon from the anodes are also emitted.


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