Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1

Primary productivity in aquatic systems, like the same
process in terrestrial environments, provides the base of
the food web upon which all higher levels of an ecosystem
depend. Biological productivity is the increase in organic
material per unit of area or volume with time. This addi-
tion of organic matter is the material from which the various
plant and animal communities of an ecosystem are made,
and is dependent on the conversion of inorganic matter
into organic matter. Conversion is accomplished by plants
through the photosynthetic process. Plants are therefore
considered to be the primary producers , and in an aquatic
ecosystem these plants include algae, bacteria, and some-
times higher plants such as water grasses and water lil-
lies. Primary productivity , the first level of productivity in
a system, can be measured as the rate of photosynthesis,
addition of biomass per unit of time (yield), or indirectly
by nutrient loss or a measure of respiration of the aquatic


Standing crop refers to the part of biological production
per unit area or per unit volume that is physically present
as biomass and that is not lost in respiration. Standing crop
measurements over a period of time give an indirect mea-
sure of productivity in terms of yield. Plankton, microscopic
floating plants and animals, can be collected in a plankton net
and may be counted under a microscope or weighed. Aquatic
biologists have used standing crop measurements to estimate
productivity longer than any other method (e.g. Lohman,
1908). This method is still also used for periphyton (attached
algae) or rooted plants.
Only within the past few decades have biologists pro-
gressed from merely counting numbers of organisms to
calculating biomass, and more recently, to expressing bio-
mass yield. Fishery biologists, like farmers, for many years
have measured fish productivity in terms of tons produced
per acre of water surface per year. Calculating biomass and
biomass yield is an important step forward since changes in
standing crop reflect the net effect of many biological and
physical events and therefore are not directly proportional
to productivity. For example, the standing crop of a phyto-
plankton community may be greatly diminished by preda-
tion and water movement, while photosynthetic rates of the
survivors may remain high.

The measurement of plant pigments such as chlorophyll a
is also a standing crop measurement that is frequently used
and may now be done through remote sensing by aircraft or


Another early attempt at measuring the rate of production in
aquatic ecosystems was to measure the inorganic nutrients
taken up in a given system and to calculate the amount of
biological production required to absorb this amount. Atkins
(1922, 1923) studied the decrease in carbon dioxide and
phosphate in measuring production in the North Sea, and
Steel (1956), also working in the North Sea, estimated the
annual cycle of plant production by considering changes in
the inorganic phosphate in relation to vertical mixing of the
water mass. Many biologists consider phosphorus to be a
difficult element to study in this respect because organisms
often store it in excess of their requirements for optimum
Measuring nutrient uptake in an indirect method of deter-
mining the rate of productivity in an aquatic ecosystem and is
influenced by various other biological activities. Nevertheless,
it has been important in the development toward more precise
measurements of the dynamic aquatic ecosystem.


The net rate at which the phytoplankton community of a
given ecosystem incorporates carbon dioxide may be esti-
mated in moderately to highly productive aquatic environ-
ments by direct measurement of the short-term fluctuations
in the dissolved oxygen it produces. The calculations are
based on the assumption that a mole of oxygen is released
into the environment for each mole of carbon dioxide reduced
in photosynthesis. This method precludes the necessity of
enclosing the phytoplankton in a bottle. If measurements are
made at regular hourly intervals over a 24-hour period, the
average hourly decrease in oxygen during times of darkness
when no photosynthesis is occurring can be determined. It is
assumed that respiration removes this amount of oxygen each
hour throughout the day thus giving a measure of the gross
rate at which the community incorporates carbon dioxide.


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