Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


Calvert and Stockwell (1983) have shown that the gas-
phase oxidation of sulfur dioxide is primarily by the reaction
of the hydroxyl radical with SO 2 :

HO  SO 2  M → HOSO 2  M (33)
HOSO 2  O 2 → HO 2  SO 3 (34)
SO 3  H 2 O → H 2 SO 4 (35)

In this sequence of reactions, the OH radical initiates the oxi-
dation of SO 2. The bisulfite radical (HOSO 2 ) product reacts
rapidly with oxygen to form sulfur trioxide (SO 3 ) and HO 2.
The HO 2 radical can be converted back to OH by reaction (9),
and the SO 3 can react with water to form sulfuric acid. The
details of the kinetics of these processes have been presented
by Anderson et al. (1989). This sequence of reactions can be
simplified for modeling purposes to the reaction

OH  SO 2 ( O 2 , H 2 O) → H 2 SO 4  HO 2 (36)

The modeling suggests that for moderately polluted and
mildly polluted cases described above, the maximum SO 2
oxidation rates were 3.4%/hour and 5.4%/hour. These maxi-
mum conversions occurred near noon, when the OH concen-
tration was a maximum. The conversion of SO 2 to H 2 SO 4 for
a clear summertime 24-hour period was 16% and 24% for the
moderately and mildly polluted conditions. The gas-phase
oxidation of both NO 2 and SO 2 vary considerably, depending
on the concentrations of other species in the atmosphere. But
the gas-phase oxidation of SO 2 is always going to be much
slower than that for NO 2.

Aqueous-Phase Chemistry

Aqueous-phase oxidations of nitrogen oxides are not
believed to be very important in the atmosphere. On the
other hand, the aqueous-phase oxidations of sulfur dioxide
appear to be quite important. Sulfur dioxide may dissolve in
atmospheric water droplets, to form mainly the bisulfite ion
(HSO 3 − ):

SO 2  Cloud → SO 2 ·H 2 O → HSO 3 −  H^ ^ (37)

The concentration of the bisulfite ion in the droplet is depen-
dent on the Henry’s law constant (H), which determines
the solubility of SO 2 in water, the equilibrium constant (K)
for the first dissociation of the hydrated SO 2 , the gas-phase
SO 2 concentration, and the acidity of the solution.

[HSO 3 − ] = KH [SO 2 ] gas /[H^ ^ ]

SO 2 ·H 2 O, HSO 3 − , and SO 3 2− are all forms of sulfur (IV)
(S(IV)). At normal pH levels, the bisulfite ion is the predomi-
nate form of sulfur (IV) in aqueous systems, and the form
that needs to be oxidized to the sulfate ion (SO 4 2− ), sulfur (VI).
HSO 3 − can be oxidized by oxygen, but this process is very
slow. The reaction may be catalyzed by transition metal ions,
such as manganese (Mn^2 ^ ) and iron (Fe^3 ^ ). The importance
of these metal-catalyzed oxidations depends strongly on the
concentration of metal ions present. This may be enhanced

by passing through heavily industrialized areas, where there
might be sources of these metals for the atmosphere.
Ozone and hydrogen peroxide are likely to be more
important catalysts for the oxidation of S(IV). The rate of
ozone-catalyzed oxidation of S(IV) decreases as the pH of
the solution decreases (or as the solution becomes more
acidic). Since the HSO 3 − concentration depends inversely on
[H^ ^ ], the rate of oxidation of S(IV) slows down considerably
as the pH decreases ([H^ ^ ] increases). This reaction is likely
to be of importance at pH 4.5.
Hydrogen peroxide, on the other hand, is much more solu-
ble than ozone. Hence, even though the gas-phase concentra-
tions are much lower than ozone, the aqueous concentrations
can be high. The rate constant for the hydrogen-peroxide-
catalyzed reaction increases as the pH decreases, down to
a pH of about 2.0. At a pH of 4.5, the oxidation catalyzed
by 1 ppb of gaseous H 2 O 2 in equilibrium with the aqueous
phase is about 100 times faster than the ozone-catalyzed oxi-
dation by 50 ppb of gaseous O 3 in equilibrium with the aque-
ous phase. Figure 8 shows a comparison of aqueous-phase

0 1 2 34 5^6

10 –18

10 –16

10 –14

10 –12

10 –10

10 –8

10 –6

O 3

H 2 O 2

  • d



, M s


Fe (III)

NO 2


FIGURE 8 Comparison of aqueous-phase oxidation paths; the
rate of conversion of S(IV) to S(VI) as a function of pH. Conditions
assumed are: [SO 2 (g)] = 5 ppb; [NO 2 (g)] = 1 ppb; [H 2 O 2 (g)] = 1 ppb;
[O 3 (g)] = 50 ppb; [Fe(III)] = 0.3 μM; and [Mn(II)] = 0.03 μM. From
Seinfeld and Pandis (1998). With permission.

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