Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


to freeze consumption of CFCs at 1986 levels, effective in
September 1988, and requirements to reduce consumption by
20% by 1992 and by an additional 30% by 1999. In November
1992, the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the
Ozone Layer revised the phase-out schedule for CFCs to a
complete ban on production by January 1, 1996. In November
1995, additional amendments were adopted to freeze the use
of hydrogen-containing CFCs (HCFCs) and methyl bromide
(CH 3 Br) and eliminate their use by 2020 and 2010, respec-
tively. These agreements were very important steps to address-
ing the problem of CFCs in the atmosphere. This has also led
to major efforts to find environmentally safe alternatives to
these compounds for use in various applications.

Antarctic Ozone

Farman et al. (1985) observed a very significant downward
trend in the total ozone column measured over Halley Bay,
Antarctica (Figure 9). Solomon (1988) has reviewed this
and other data from Antarctica, and has concluded that there
has been a real decrease in the ozone column abundance in
the South Polar region. Other data suggest that the bulk of
the effect on ozone abundance is at lower altitudes in the
stratosphere, between about 12 and 22 km, where the strato-
spheric ozone concentrations decrease quickly and return to
near normal levels as the springtime warms the stratosphere.
The subsequent discussion will outline some of the chemi-
cal explanations for these observations. Some atmospheric
dynamical explanations of the ozone hole have been pro-
posed, but these are not believed to provide an adequate
explanation of the observations.
Figure 10 shows plots of results from flights in the Antarctic
region during August and September 1987 (Anderson et al.,

1991). Ozone- and ClO-measurement instru mentation was
flown into the polar stratosphere on a NASA ER-2 aircraft
(a modified U-2). This figure shows a sharp increase in ClO
concentration as one goes toward the pole and a similar sharp
decrease in stratospheric ozone. On the September 16th flight,
the ClO concentration rose from about 100 to 1200 ppt while
the ozone concentration dropped from about 2500 to 1000
ppb. This strong anticorrelation is consistent with the catalytic
ozone-destruction cycle, reactions (51) and (52).
Solomon (1988) has suggested that polar stratospheric
clouds (PSCs) play an important role in the explanation of
the Antarctic ozone hole. PSCs tend to form when the tem-
perature drops below about 195 K and are generally observed
in the height range from 10 to 25 km. The stratosphere is suf-
ficiently dry that cloud formation does not occur with water-
forming ice crystals alone. At 195 K, nitric acid-trihydrate
will freeze to form cloud particles, and there is inadequate
water alone to form ice, until one goes to an even lower tem-
perature. Significant quantities of nitric acid are in the cloud
particles below 195 K, while they would be in the gas phase
at higher temperatures. PSCs are most intense in the Antarctic
winter and decline in intensity and altitude in the spring, as
the upper regions of the stratosphere begin warming. It was
proposed that HCl(a) ((a)—aerosol phase), absorbed on
the surfaces of PSC particles, and gaseous chlorine nitrate,
ClONO 2 (g), react to release Cl 2 to the gas phase:

ClONO 2 (g)  HCl(a) → Cl 2 (g)  HNO 3 (a) (54)

Subsequent research identified several other gas-surface
reactions on PSCs that also play an important role in polar
stratospheric ozone depletion

ClONO 2 (g)  H 2 O(a) → HOCl(g)  HNO 3 (a,g) (55)
HOCl(g)  HCl(a) → Cl 2 (g)  H 2 O(a) (56)
N 2 O 5 (g)  H 2 O(a) → 2HNO 3 (a,g) (57)

Reactions (55) and (56) have the same net effect as reaction
(54), while reaction (57) removes reactive nitrogen oxides
from the gas phase, reducing the rate of ClO deactivation by

ClO  NO 2 → ClONO 2 (58)

Webster et al. (1993) made the first in situ measurement of
HCl from the ER-2 aircraft. These results suggested that HCl
is not the dominant form of chlorine in the midlatitude lower
stratosphere, as had been believed. These results suggested
that HCl constituted only about 30% of the inorganic chlo-
rine. This has led to the belief that ClONO 2 may be present
at concentrations that exceed that of HCl.
Figure 11 shows a chronology of the polar ozone-
depletion process. As one enters the polar night, ClONO 2
is the dominant inorganic chlorine-containing species, fol-
lowed by HCl and ClO. Due to the lack of sunlight, the
temperature decreases and polar stratospheric clouds form,
permitting reactions (54), (55), and (56) to proceed, produc-
ing gaseous Cl 2. Both HCl and ClONO 2 decrease. As the sun
rises, the Cl 2 is photolyzed, producing Cl atoms that react

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

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Total column ozone (DU)

FIGURE 9 Average total column ozone measured in October
at Halley Bay, Antarctica, from 1957 to 1994. Ten additional
years of data are shown in this plot beyond the period pre-
sented by Farman et al. (1985). From Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts
(2000). With permission.

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