Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


Oil fired distillation plants require about 0.5 barrels of oil
per m^3 produced fresh water with a performance ratio around

  1. Solar distillation or solar-driven desalination have free
    energy but are still very expensive. To produce one m^3 of fresh
    water by conventional solar distillation the solar energy equiv-
    alent to oil is about 1.3 barrels of oil with a performance ratio
    of about 5. Solar energy is now used indirectly to drive con-
    ventional small size desalination plants and one day the sun’s
    energy may be trapped 100%, not 2% as is the reality today.
    In Figure 21 the increases in capacity of the desalination
    processes are presented by process, starting from the years
    of their commercial application.^5


  1. P. Meigs, World distribution of arid and semi-arid homoclimates,
    Reviews of Research on Arid-Zone Hydrology, UNESCO: Paris, Fold
    Maps, 1960.

  2. World Health Organization, International Standards for Drinking Water,
    Geneva, a970,—Recommendations of the Guidelines for Drinking
    Water Quality, 139 pp., 1984.

  3. V. Belessiotis and E. Delyannis, Solar Energy: Some Proposals for
    Future Development and Application to Desalination. Presented at
    the Symposium on “ Desalination for Europe ,” Amsterdam 15–16 May
    1995 (in print in Desalination).

  4. A. Delyannis and E. Delyannis, Gmelin Handbuch der Anorganishen
    Chemie, Water Desalting, 340 pp., Springer Verlag, 1974.

  5. K. Wagnick, IDA Worldwide Desalting Plants Inventory, IDA, Topsfi eld,
    Mass., Rept. No. 13, 385 pp., 1994.

  6. M.W. Kellog Co., Saline Water Conversion Data Book, Washington D.C.,
    270 pp., 1965.

  7. Exodus 15, 22–25 (About 15th Century A.D.).

  8. E. Delyannis and V. Belessiotis, Solar desalination: Part I and II,
    Desalination and Water Reuse, 4, No. 4, 9/14, and 5, 28/34, 1995.

  9. A.A. Delyannis and E. Delyannis, Solar Desalination, Desalination 50,
    71/81, 1984.

  10. N. Robinson, Solar Radiation, Elsevier Publ. Co., 345 pp., 1966.

  11. V. Belessiotis, K. Voropoulos and E. Delyannis, Experimental method
    for the determination of the daily output of a solar still, Desalination
    100 , Special Issue, 1995.

  12. K. Voropoulos, E. Delyannis and V. Belessiotis, Thermohydraulic sim-
    ulation of a solar distillation system under pseudo-steady-state condi-
    tions, 1997.

  13. E. Delyannis and V. Belessiotis, Solar application in desalination,
    Desalination 100 , 1995.

  14. A. Delyannis and E. Howe, Report of W.P. on recommended procedure
    for costing of solar stills. C.S.I.R.O., Int. Rept. No. 77, Melbourne, 1971.

  15. T. Lawand, Systems for Solar Distillation, Proc. Appropriate
    Technologies for Semi. Arid Areas, 201/250, 1975.

  16. E. Delyannis, V. Belessiotis and A. Delyannis, Collector Assisted Solar
    Distillation, Proc. 7th Inter. Symposium on “ Fresh Water from the Sea, ”
    2, 383/387, 1980.

  17. H.J.T. Sousa and V. Janish, Dessalinizacao Solar, G.T.Z.-Gov. Reg.
    Madeira, Rept. Nov., 1986.

  18. G.B. De La Porta, “De Distillatione,” Libri IX, Roma, 1608.

  19. M. Takada, Proc. 5th International Symposium on “ Fresh Water from
    the Sea ” 2 , 325/333, 1976.

  20. M.A. Darwish, Thermal Analysis of VC Desalination System,
    Desalination 69 , No. 1, 275/295, 1988.


  1. G. Belfort, Editor, Monograph on Synthetic Membrane Processes
    (Academic Press, New York, 576 pp., 1984).

  2. A. Delyannis, Nuclear Energy Centers and Agro-Industrial Complexes
    (I.A.E.A., Vienna, Technical Report Series No. 140, 138 pp., 1972).

  3. A. Delyannis and E. Delyannis, Water Desalting, Gmelin Handbuch
    der Anorganische Chemie, “ Sauerstoff ” (in English), (Springer
    Verlag, Heidelberg, 338 pp., 1974, and Supplement to volume one
    360 pp., 1979).

  4. M. D’Orival, Water Desalting and Nuclear Energy (Verlag Karl
    Thiemig, Munich, Vol. 16, 194 pp., 1967).

  5. H.G. Heitmann, Saline Water Processing, VCH 332 pp., 1990.

  6. E.D. Howe, Fundamentals of Water Desalination (Marcel Dekker Inc.,
    New York, 344 pp., 1974).

  7. A.H. Khan, Desalination Processes and MSF Distillation Practice
    (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 504 pp., 1986).

  8. B.Z. Khosaim and J.S. Williamson, Solar Water Desalting (Second
    SOLERAS Workshop, Denver, Colorado, USA, 1981, NTIS, MRI/
    SOL-0901, 364 pp., 1984).

  9. R.E. Lacey and S. Loeb, Industrial Processing with Membranes (John
    Wiley and Sons, New York, 348 pp., 1972).

  10. N. Lakshminarayanaiah, Transport Phenomena in Membranes
    (Academic Press, New York, 519 pp., 1969).

  11. N. Lior, Editor, Measurements and Control in Water Desalination
    (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 480 pp., 1986).

  12. M.A.S. Malik, C.N. Tiwari, A. Kumar and M.S. Sodha, Solar
    Distillation (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 175 pp., 1982).

  13. R.F. Madsen, Hyperfi ltration and Ultrafi ltration in Plate and Frame
    Systems (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 367 pp., 1977).

  14. U. Merten, Desalination by Reverse Osmosis (The M.I.T. Press,
    Cambridge, Mass., 288 pp., 1966).

  15. A. Porteous, Saline Water Distillation Process (Longman Group Ltd.,
    London, 150, pp., 1975).

  16. R.G. Post and R.L. Searl, Water Purifi cation Using Nuclear Energy
    (The Univ. of Arizona Press, Tuscon, 292 pp., 1966).

  17. K.S. Spiegler, Principles of Desalination (Academic Press, New York,
    566 pp., 1966).

  18. K.S. Spiegler and Y.M. El-Sayed, A Desalination Primer (Balaban
    Desalination Publications, 215 pp., 1994).

  19. E. Staude, Membranen und Membrane Prozesse (VCH 324 pp., 1992).

  20. G. Tschobanoglous and E.D. Schroeder, Water Quality (Addison-
    Wosley Publ. Co., Menlo Park, Cal., 768 pp., 1985).

  21. S. Sourirajan and K. Matsuura, Reverse Osmosis/Ultrafi ltration
    Processes Principles (Nat. Res. Council Canada, 1113 pp., 1985).


  1. A. Delyannis and E. Delyaanis, Seawater and Desalting, Vol. 1 to 5,
    covering 1980 to 1985, about 15,000 abstracts.

  2. E. Delyannis, Seawater and Desalting, Vol. 6, 1985 to 1987,
    (E. Delyannis, Editor, 323 pp., 1988).

  3. A. Delyannis and V. Belessiotis, Editors. Desalination Abstracts, Vol. 1,
    Balaban Desalination Publications, in print, 1989/1990 and up to 1995.

  4. Solar Desalting Abstracts, www Ariadne-t-gr, Phaethon.

Laboratory for Testing & Development of Solar
and other Energy Systems of the National
Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”
Aghia Paraskevi, Greece.


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