Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


experimental conditions. In addition, they usually involve
preliminary assumptions concerning the nature of the
disinfection process. Consequently, attempts to deduce
mechanisms of killing from these models tend to be rather
disappointing. They are, however, useful in terms of con-
cise descriptions of the results of the process; and as fur-
ther biochemical information on modes of killing becomes
available, their usefulness and reliability should increase


The testing of disinfectants is a topic with a long history of
controversy. Differing opinions on the merits and relevance
of various methods are legion, and have been the cause of
many heated exchanges between those holding them. The
wide variety of methods may most conveniently be consid-
ered under the headings of screening, standardization and
“in-use” tests, although there is a degree of overlap between
the three categories. The interested reader should consult the
papers by Forsyth (1975), Miner et al. (1975) and Reybrouck
(1982) for further information.

Screening Tests

These are usually of the simplest type, since they are specula-
tive by nature, and often involve the testing of large numbers
of disinfection agents or formulations; both time and cost
usually dictate this simplicity. The actual methods employed
vary according to the physical characteristics of the disinfec-
tant and the type of use envisaged. Ideally, any test should be
as realistic as possible, although for screening purposes this
will be subject to the requirements of simplicity discussed
Disinfectants which are soluble or miscible in water are
often incorporated in microbiological culture media which
are then inoculated with suitable microorganisms. After
incubation under appropriate conditions, the inoculated
media are examined for growth of the organisms, absence
of growth indicating that the inoculum has been inhibited.
Where the continuous presence of the disinfectant is inap-
propriate, then the method is modified to include a suitable
means of removing or inactivating the disinfectant after a
predetermined exposure time.
Other disinfectants may be tested in a similar manner,
by arranging for inocula of suitable organisms to be sub-
jected to standardized exposure to them. After exposure, the
organisms are inoculated into suitable culture media, and
incubated as before. Since the end-point in these tests is the
death of all the organisms involved, this type of test is often
referred to as an Extinction Test.
The phrase “suitable organisms” used above, represents
one of the key factors in the testing of disinfectants. A disin-
fectant is expected to kill all undesirable organisms, which
usually refers to organisms injurious to health (see previous
section). Test organisms may be chosen, therefore, either
for their resistance to disinfection or, like Salmonella typhi,

for their medical significance. Although the designation
“undesirable organisms” covers a wider range of life-forms,
most disinfectant testing has employed various species of bac-
teria for reasons of convenience. In retrospect, this does not
appear to have been a significant disadvantage, since activity
against bacteria usually coincides with that against the other
life-forms. However, although it is recognized that bacterial
spores are much more resistant to disinfection than the veg-
etative forms, the latter have, with few exceptions, invariably
been used in testing. This is partly due to convenience, but it
should be noted that there are many disinfectants marketed
which under normal conditions of use are incapable of killing
bacterial spores. This has been countered, in certain quarters,
by re-defining a disinfectant as a chemical agent capable of
killing bacteria but not necessarily bacterial spores (see pre-
vious section).

Standardization Tests

This is the area which has given rise to the greatest amount
of contention. In most cases, this has been due to misin-
terpretation and misapplication of the results of testing
in situations where they have little, if any, relevance. The
standardization of disinfectants usually requires the use
of microbiological techniques rather than chemical assay.
Even when chemical characterization of the active agent(s)
involved is possible, the activity of a disinfectant will usu-
ally be significantly influenced by factors concerned with
the formulation and method of use of the product. However,
although the disinfectant may be standardized in terms of its
intended biological effect, this is carried out under specific,
controlled conditions. Depending on the similarity of their
circumstances, the results from standardization tests may, or
may not, be capable of extrapolation to practical situations.
This is where the controversy tends to arise.
The most popular methods of testing for standardiza-
tion purposes have been extinction tests. These are basically
similar to the general method discussed in the previous
section, except that the procedure and materials used are
rigidly standardized in order to achieve best reproducibility
of results. In addition, the most widely used tests employ
the pure chemical, phenol, as a control of the resistance
of the test organisms used. Since results are expressed by
comparison of the activities of phenol and the disinfectant
being tested, these tests are referred to as Phenol Coefficient
methods. The most popular and official versions in use are
the Rideal–Walker Method (as modified by B.S. 541), the
Chick–Martin Method (as modified by B.S. 808), and the
Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (AOAC)
Phenol Coefficient Method (1970). Details of these tests
may be found in the appropriate publications.
While the use of phenol as a control on the resistance
of the test organisms is extremely valuable, it has led to
widespread assumptions that the ratio of activities of disin-
fectant and phenol indicated by the phenol coefficient will
hold true in all circumstances. This, of course, is far from
true. The AOAC (1970) attempted to improve this situation
by introducing a Use-Dilution Method. This test is based on

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