Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


the rain and snow chemistry measurements has varied, and
thus the methods and the chemical parameters being mea-
sured have varied greatly.
The surge of interest in the 1980s in the acidity levels
of rain and snow was strongly stimulated by Scandinavian
studies reported in the late 1960s and early 1970s. These
studies reported that the pH of rain and snow in Scandinavia
during the period from 1955 to 1965 had decreased dramati-
cally. The Scandinavians also reported that a large number of
lakes, streams, and rivers in southern Norway and Sweden
were devoid or becoming devoid of fish. The hypothesis was
that this adverse effect was primarily the result of acid rain,
which had caused the the lakes to become increasingly more
Later studies with improved sampling and analysis
procedures, confirmed that the rain and snow in southern
Norway and Sweden were quite acid, with average pH values
of about 4.3. The reports sometimes considered the idea that
changes in the acidity of the lakes were partially the result of
other factors including landscape changes in the watershed,
but usually the conclusion was that acid rain was the major
cause of the lake acidification and that the acid rain is pri-
marily the result of long-range transport of pollutants from
the heavily industrialized areas of northern Europe.
The rain and snow in portions of eastern Canada and the
eastern United States are as acid as in southern Scandinavia,
and some lakes in these areas also are too acid to support
fish. Studies have confirmed that many of the lakes sensi-
tive to acid rain have watersheds that provide relatively small
inputs of neutralizing chemicals to offset the acid rain and
snow inputs.
Any change in the environment of an ecological system
will result in adjustments within the system. Increasing the
acid inputs to the system will produce changes or effects that
need to be carefully assessed. Effects of acid rain on lakes,
row crops, forests, soils, and many other system components
have been evaluated. Evans et al. (1981) summarized the
status of some of these studies and concluded that the acid
rain effects on unbuffered lakes constituted the strongest
case of adverse effects, but that beneficial effects could be
identified for some other ecological components.
During the 1980s a tremendous amount of acid rain
research was completed. More than 600 million dollars was
spent by United States federal agencies on acid rain projects.
The federal effort was coordinated through the National Acid
Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP). This massive
acid rain research and assessment program was summarized
in 1990 in 26 reports of the state of science and technology
which were grouped into four large volumes (NAPAP,
1990): Volume I—Emissions, Atmospheric Processes, and
Deposition; Volume II—Aquatic Processes and Effects;
Volume III—Terrestrial, Materials, Health, and Visibility
Effects; and Volume IV—Control Technologies, Future
Emissions, and Effects Valuation. The final assessment
document (NAPAP, 1991) was a summary of the causes and
effects of acidic deposition and a comparison of the costs and
effectiveness of alternative emission control scenarios. Since
adverse effects of acid rain on fish have been of particular

interest to the general public, it is appropriate to note the
following NAPAP (1991, pages 11–12) conclusions on this

  • Within acid-sensitive regions of the United States,
    4 percent of the lakes and 8 percent of the streams
    are chronically acidic. Florida has the highest per-
    centage of acidic surface waters (23 percent of the
    lakes and 39 percent of the streams). In the mid-
    Atlantic Highlands, mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain, and
    the Adirondack Mountains, 6 to 14 percent of the
    lakes and streams are chronically acidic. Virtually
    no (1 percent) chronically acidic surface waters
    are located in the Southeastern Highlands or the
    mountainous West.

  • Acidic lakes tended to be smaller than nonacidic
    lakes; the percentage of acidic lake area was a factor
    of 2 smaller than the percentage of acidic lakes
    based on the numbers.

  • Acidic deposition has caused some surface waters
    to become acidic in the United States. Naturally
    produced organic acids and acid mine drainage
    are also causes of acidic conditions.

  • Fish losses attributable to acidification have been
    documented using historical records for some
    acidic surface waters in the Adirondacks, New
    England, and the mid-Atlantic Highlands. Other
    lines of evidence, including surveys and the appli-
    cation of fish response models, also support this

In future years the effects on materials such as paint, metal
and stone should probably be carefully evaluated because
of the potentially large economic impact if these materials
undergo accelerated deterioration due to acid deposition.


Some widely used technical terms that relate to acid rain and
acid rain monitoring networks are defined as follows:

1) pH The negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion
activity in units of moles per liter (for precipitation
solutions, concentration can be substituted for activ-
ity). Each unit decrease on the pH scale represents
a 10-fold increase in acidity. In classical chemis-
try a pH less than 7 indicates acidity; a pH greater
than 7 indicates a basic (or alkaline) solution; and
a pH equal to 7 indicates neutrality. However, for
application to acid rain issues, the neutral point is
chosen to be about 5.6 instead of 7.0 since this is
the approximate equilibrium pH of pure water with
ambient outdoor levels of carbon dioxide.
2) Precipitation This term denotes aqueous mate-
rial reaching the earth’s surface in liquid or solid
form, derived from the atmosphere. Dew, frost,

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