feeding position, i.e., which are the same number of links
removed from the producer organism. Organisms which are
similar in this respect are said to occupy the same trophic
level. Such levels form a natural hierarchy arranged from
the producer level at the bottom, through the primary con-
sumer (herbivore) level, to one or more successive levels of
subsidiary consumers at the top. The trophic level concept
was developed by Lindemann (1942) to compare the energy
content of the different feeding groups in natural commu-
nities and to evaluate the effi ciency with which energy is
transferred from level to level.
If the number of individuals, the total biomass (weight
of tissue), or the energy content of the organisms of succes-
sive trophic levels in a natural community is examined, the
quantity is generally found to decrease as one goes upward
from producer to ultimate consumer levels. Diagrammatic
models of this trophic structure thus tend to be pyramidal
and have given rise to the concept of ecological pyramids.
Comparisons of trophic levels based on numbers of individ-
uals can be misleading, however, especially when species of
very different size and rate of growth are involved: herbivo-
rous insects are likely to be much more numerous per unit
of suitable habitat than are grazing or browsing mammals
(Evans and Lanham, 1960). This difficulty is partly resolved
by measuring total weight of organisms present, thus replac-
ing a pyramid of numbers with a pyramid of biomass. If
they are constructed for parasite food-chains (in which one
host can support many parasites) or for communities whose
producers (such as diatoms and other minute algae) have a
more rapid rate of replacement, or turnover, than its consum-
ers, such pyramids may appear inverted or may show a very
narrow base. Furthermore, because the number of calories
varies considerably from tissue to tissue because of differ-
ences in composition (fat averages about 9500, and carbo-
hydrate and protein about 4000, calories per gram), biomass
may prove a poor indicator of energy content. It is therefore
desirable, whenever possible, to replace weights with calo-
rific values and to convert the pyramid of biomass into a pyr-
amid of energy. If the total amount of energy utilized at each
trophic level over a set period of time is taken into account
the quantity will always be less at each succeeding level and
the upright pyramidal shape of the model will be maintained.
Thus energy units provide the best basis for comparing the
productivity (the rate at which energy and matter are stored
in the form of organic substances) of different organisms, of
different trophic levels, and of different ecosystems. They
also offer the best means of evaluating the efficiency (the
ratio of energy stored or put out in a process to that put in,
usually expressed as a percentage) of organisms and eco-
systems in carrying out their activities of transferring and
transforming energy and matter.
The quantity of living organisms present at a given time
may be referred to as the standing crop or stock. For reasons
already explained, this quantity is best expressed in terms of
its energy content (in calories). The magnitude of the stand-
ing crop will vary from place to place, depending basically on
the available quantities of energy and nutrients, and in almost
all places from season to season, being infl uenced by all the
factors affecting growth and reproduction. Relatively long-
lived consumers like the large herbivorous mammals may
accumulate and store considerable quantities of matter and
energy in their bodies and thus achieve a large standing crop,
but surprisingly high values can be reached by much smaller
organisms, such as insects, which feed more effi ciently and
reproduce more rapidly. Unusually high standing crops are
seen at times of population explosions, such as those of defo-
liating insects and of periodically fl uctuating species like
snowshoe hares and lemmings, but these levels cannot be
sustained for more than a short time. Inverted pyramids of
biomass illustrate the possibility of a relatively large standing
crop of consumers supported by a small standing crop of pro-
ducer plants, when the latter are smaller, grow more rapidly,
and are replaced more frequently than the consumers.
Because organisms may be eaten or move away from an
area, the standing crop often fails to be a good measure of
the total quantity of tissue they have produced over a given
period of time. This total quantity, or production, includes
not only the new tissue added as growth to the bodies of
individual organisms but also that resulting from the repro-
duction of new individuals. That part of the production that
is removed by man (or some other species) is known as the
yield or harvest. Because of the limited efficiency of the meta-
bolic processes required in the formation of new tissue, more
energy and matter are needed by the organism than are stored
in production. Thus, to evaluate the complete functioning
of an ecosystem, we need a measure of the total energy (or
matter) involved in metabolism; for consumer organisms, this
is referred to as assimilation or energy flow. (For producer
organisms, the total energy or matter used in their metabo-
lism is called gross primary production, while that incorpo-
rated as new tissue is called net primary production. )
Full understanding of increases or decreases in standing
crop or energy fl ow requires quantitative knowledge of the
biological processes involved in the transfer of matter and
energy. For consumer organisms, these consist of the pro-
cesses of ingestion or intake, respiration —a measure of
metabolic activity, and egestion (generally taken to include
the elimination of both feces and urine). Use is made of the
energy budget or balance described by the equations.
Ingestion Production Respiration Egestion
Assimilation Prod
and other expressions to calculate the values for processes
whose quantities are not known or to determine the net change
of energy transfer. Such calculations enable the ecologist to
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