by calcination or fixation in glassy materials, which would be
stored underground in isolated geological formations such as
salt domes, shale, or rock.^26 Two long-lived radioactive iso-
topes that cannot be easily captured and concentrated for such
disposal are krypton-85 and tritium. Krypton-85 is a chemi-
cally inert fission product with a 10.76-year half-life. Tritium,
with a half-life of 12.26 years, is produced both by fission
and by neutron irradiation of boron and lithium contained
in the reactor coolant and ends up in aqueous form in waste
treatment systems. Both of these isotopes are discharged to
the environment in liquid and gaseous effluents but are first
diluted to permissible concentration levels.
Fossil-fuelled power plants release small quantities of
radioactive material that are attributable to trace amounts of
uranium and thorium in coal and oil. A study performed by
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare personnel^27
compared potential exposures to the population in the vicin-
ity of coal fired and nuclear power plants. The only radia-
tion sources attributable to either type of plant that could
be detected above background levels were emissions to the
atmosphere. A plant fired with a specific coal containing 9%
ash and with 97.5% effective fly ash removal could lead to
an exposure of 3.08 40 −4 millirem of radiation annually
per MW of electrical power produced. The exposure poten-
tial from a typical pressurized water reactor (PWR) plant
was 1.05 10 −5 millirem on the same basis. A boiling water
reactor (BWR) included in the study had a higher exposure
value but is not representative of plants of this type that are
now being built. In any case, the maximum off-site exposure
attributable to any nuclear plant was in the 5 to 15 millirem/yr
range. The difference between the BWR and PWR in this
study is attributed to the fact that the PWR had the ability to
store gaseous wastes for about 60 days prior to release to the
atmosphere, while the BWR had only a 30 minute hold-up.
Larger volumes of waste gases must be handled in the BWR
even though the total quantity of radioactive materials pro-
duced are comparable in the two reactor types.
Solid Wastes^28
In 1969 over 30 million tons of fly ash were recovered from
power plants burning coal and lignite. About 20% of this is
used commercially as a soil conditioner and as an additive
to concrete and asphalt mixes. Bottom ash, which accounts
for about one-fifth of the ash produced in coal-fired plants,
is used in the manufacture of cinder blocks, as road ballast,
and on highways in icy weather. Unused portions of these
materials represent a solid waste disposal problem and are
dumped in spoil areas which occupy land are unsightly.
Large amounts of solid wastes are generated in coal
mining, uranium mining, and shale oil recovery. The residual
wastes from the processing of coal are put in culm banks and
coal waste piles. These contain a high content of carbonaceous
material and besides their unsightly appearance and the land-
slide hazard that they represent, they can ignite spontaneously
and emit air pollutants. A survey has located waste piles from
470 bituminous coal cleaning plants and 800 culm banks each
containing 10,000 tons or more of waste material from the
cleaning of anthracite coal. In 1964 about 495 refuse deposits
located in 15 states and containing about 500 10 6 yds^3 of
material were found to be burning.
Overburden material from strip mines is piled in spoil
banks which may be thousands of feet long and over 100
feet high. These are a source of acid water, will generally not
support vegetation, and render the land unsuitable for recre-
ation or industrial use. A thickness of overburden material
averaging about eleven times the coal thickness was handled
in US strip mining activities during 1970.
Control of the solid waste problem in these activities will
require increase utilization of ash from coal burning power
plants and of mill tailings from coal and uranium ore treat-
ment. An obvious disposal method for the portions of these
wastes that cannot be used and for spoil bank material is
to replace them in depleted strip mining areas and thereby
assist in restoration of the land whenever this is feasible.
Energy conversion devices, particularly those used for
mobile applications, are noisy in operation. Noise can impair
hearing and has physiological and psychological effects on
The average level of sound at normal conversation
amounts to 55 db (A) in a distance of 3 feet, the sound of elo-
cution amounts to 70 db (A). For the noise in a living room a
Long-lived radioactive materials generated in typical nuclear reactor fuel
Material Half-life (in years)
Activitya (megacuriesb/10^15
Btu of thermal energy
produced by fission)
Tritium 12.26 0.146
Krypton-85 10.76 3.4
Iodine-129 1.6 107 1.03 10 -5
Other fission products
Cesium-137 30 40.2
Strontium-90 28 28.5
Technetium-99 2.1 105 4.2 10 -3
Transuranium isotopes
Americium-241 458 0.091
Curium-244 18.1 1.34
Plutonium-238 89 1.27
Plutonium-239 2.4 104 0.116
Plutonium-240 6760 0.212
Plutonium-241 13 55
a After 90 days of cooling time following operation of a typical batch of
2.84% U-235, non-recycle, PWR fuel at a specific power of 40 kW/kg U to
a burnup of 35,000 MW-days/long ton.
b A curie is the amount of a given radioactive substance which undergoes
3.7 × 10^10 radioactive transformation/sec (equivalent to 1 g of radium).
Derived from data presented in: Safety Analysis Report, Barnwell Nuclear
Fuel Plant, Allied Chemical Nuclear Products, Inc., Amendment 2, Docket
No 50–332–4, March 21, 1969.
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