among the workers exposed to the putative causative factor,
whether that is a substance or a process that is used in certain
parts of a factory. In its most elementary form, the results of
an investigation can be put in the form of a 2 2 table, as
in Figure 10.
The fi rst two cells of this table, horizontally, include the
numbers of those who were exposed () to the presumed
hazard, the fi rst cell containing the number of those who devel-
oped the disease in question (a), the second those who did
not (b). In the lower line are those who were not exposed (),
the fi rst cell again including all those for this group who
developed the disease (c) and the second those who did
not (d). Clearly if the ratio of the left to the right is the same
in both rows, there is no evidence of an effect. This is an
example of the 2 2 or fourfold table to which the X^2 test
can easily be applied, with one degree of freedom, to assess
whether any difference in the proportion, horizontally or
vertically, attains statistical signifi cance, at whatever level
may be chosen. The conventional levels of signifi cance are
0.05 (5%), 0.01 (1%), and 0.001 (0.1%), each referring to the
probabilities that the observed result could have occurred by
chance alone (the levels are sometimes quoted in the form
of percentages, multiplying their probabilities by 100). For
each cell of the table of Figure 10 an “expected” fi gure can
be calculated from the marginal and grand totals, by divid-
ing, for instance, each row total in the proportions of the
column totals: thus the expectation for the top left cell is the
product of the fi rst row’s total divided by the grand total.
The difference between the observed number in each cell
is squared and divided by the expectation for that cell, and
the sum of these four quantities constitute X^2. Tables pro-
vided in almost all books on statistics will enable the level
of signifi cance to be obtained for the value of X^2 and for one
degree of freedom. Two caveats should be noted: fi rst, that
no expectation should be less than 5—if it is, a larger size
of sample is required—and second, that when numbers are
small (yet satisfy the proceeding conditions), Yates’s cor-
rection should be made, which reduces the absolute size of
the difference between observed and expected by the quan-
tity 1/2. It will have been noted that this difference is the
same magnitude in each of the four cells, though it changes
sign, but that is irrelevant since it is squared. It is the abso-
lute magnitude of this common difference that should be
reduced by 1/2.
In the circumstances set out above and in Figure 10, the ratio
c /( c d ) is the risk of disease in the unexposed group, which
we can call P 0 , and P 1 / P 0 is known as the “relative risk,” RR
or r. In many cases the disease in question will be rare, even
among the exposed, so that a and c will be small relative to
b and d. If Q 0 1 P 0 and Q 1 1 P 1 express the risk
of not contracting the disease, then they will both be close
to 1, since P 0 and P 1 are supposed to be small. The quantity
( P 1 / Q 1 )/( P 0 / Q 0 ) is known as the “odds ratio,” since it is the
ratio of the odds of occurrence of the disease in the exposed
to the unexposed groups. Since we are presuming the Q ’s to
be close to 1, the odds ratio can be put as P 1 / P 0 , which is the
same as the relative risk, r. We shall see later that this fact
permits the estimation of the ratio of the incidence of disease
in the exposed and unexposed groups from a case-control
type of investigation, though their absolute incidences are
not obtainable.
A situation that is formally very similar to what we have just
been considering arises if we suspect a certain factor may be
one that is involved in the etiology of the disease. We shall
again be comparing persons with and without the disease
and those affected in the form of a 2 2 table like Figure
10, where we replace “Factor” for “Exposure.” If the factor
is indeed an etiological one, it will be found more frequently
Relative risk
- –
FIGURE 9 Cancer of the lung in relation to asbestos and smoking.
+ –
+ ab
c d
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